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gifts . craftsNaturalisticAll of the products listed in our online catalogue are free of chemical additives and preservatives and contain only natural ingredients. Many of the products are certified organic. None of the products on this site have been tested on animals...
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BabazekaBabazeka is all about helping social-upliftment projects to develop and thrive. Our online store gives businesses who empower previously disadvantaged South Africans an easy way to reach more people like you so that in the end, everyone... Rebound BooksWe make hand-bound, recycled blank books. The idea is really simple… we find beautiful, neglected hardcover books and re-bind them with a creamy, matt, environmentally friendly paper. The result is a durable, totally unique journal,... Africa SmilesAfrica Smiles is a wholesaler situated in Waterfall, KwaZulu Natal. For the past 10 years we have been producing and marketing a range of beautiful African gifts. Our vision is, through craft work, to enable people to express their...
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AfriSkills TradingAfriSkills designs and produces over 100 unique, functional products for some of South Africa's major retail outlets and smaller, specialist gift stores. All AfriSkill's parts are sourced from local suppliers and thereby support numerous...
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Corporate Gifts with a ConscienceCorporate Gifts with a Conscience provides unique gifts for promotions, birthdays, functions, launches, invitations and team building, to name a few. We have sourced items from HIV programmes, shelters, self employed crafters, and job...
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Platbos ForestPlatbos is an ancient indigenous forest situated at the foot of Africa. Described by well-known botanist and author, Professor Eugene Moll, as a "unique South African forest jewel", this is a forest that enchants and inspires all who come to...
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SoyLitesSoyLites are 100% natural, toxin-free soybean oil candles and nourishing skin oil (in one) • Contains 100% natural and biodegradable soy bean oil BlossomBlossom is a stockist of contemporary handmade goods. We strive to include recycled, natural and organic materials in our products such as linen, cotton, pure wool, bamboo and hemp. Products include clothing, jewellery, accessories, ceramics,...
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The Green MarketTime: 09:00 - 14:00, First Saturday of every month. Except for Christmas which is night events from 16:00-21:00 and maybe Easter. The Green Market focuses on educating and raising awareness of the importance and benefits of a greener...
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