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recycleMobiSan Unit - Pook se Bos
Submitted by ConsciousBabe on Tue, 2012-03-20 11:20
Two years ago, the Dutch government donated a unique toilet unit to the small community of Pook se Bos. We go to check it out... After following a technology breadcrumb trail, (getting lost along the way) we found ourselves in the middle of a baking hot Athlone. My contact was nowhere to be seen, and I foolishly had not jotted down his number. After several seconds of unsuccessful phone web searches, I jumped from the car and strode up to one of the locals sitting outside their rickety home, surpassing an aggravated dog as I did so. 'Hi there. Can you please tell me where the toilets are? The blues ones?,' I gestured.
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one struggle conference
Submitted by ConsciousBabe on Mon, 2012-02-20 09:45
One Struggle – a conference on social justice, animal rights and radical environmentalism - took place in Muizenberg last Saturday (18 Feb) thanks to the South African Vegan Society.
Hearing about the One Struggle conference, I was immediately excited; the South African Vegan Society represent a genuine passion for true authentic societal change, and I knew this would be reflected in any event they organised. When we arrived in the afternoon, was busy giving her talk on veganism and food security in Cape Town: explaining how being vegan is better not only for animals, but for people and the earth too. The young lady really sounded like she knew her stuff, and displayed all the facts to back up her statements. ‘We may be making attempts to save water in our home due to turning off taps and showering instead of bathing, but when 85% of our water waste is on our plate it is important that we re-evaluate our diet. And this is not mere theory – the U.N. have been urging people to eat local and plant-based for years,' she explained, adding: 'But it is not just our diet that must change, but the production system of our diet.’ Opening up discussion to the audience, there were vineyard hotel uncorked
Submitted by sproutingforth on Wed, 2012-02-15 13:27
They're recycling wine corks and converting them into floors for schools for underpriveleged children. 'The aim', say the Vineyard, 'is to take something totally recyclable that is usually thrown away and create from it something that will benefit the children of our community.' This they are doing together with their wine partners – Klein Constantia, Buitenverwachting, Boschendal and Anthonij Rupert, and a combined effort by Villiera and Groot Constantia. In just three months the project, run by David Wibberley, collected 25 000 corks... Eerste Rivier Empowerment Centre, a safe house for children from abusive homes, is the first to receive a 24 sq metre floor in the playroom.
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the clothing bank
Submitted by ConsciousBabe on Fri, 2012-02-03 17:53
The Clothing Bank helps local disadvantaged women become business empowered.
This awesome Observatory-based organisation has come up with a concept that uses what could potentailly have been waste as an effective resource. Exess clothes donated by corporate retailers like Woolworths - end of the line garments, rejects, returns or slashed samples - are sorted and fixed daily by The Clothing Bank staff. Their workshop boasts a whole array of quality products, as well as the equipment to transform any damaged pieces into something beautiful. home DIY - fun, simple, satisfying, green!
Submitted by ConsciousBabe on Mon, 2012-01-16 14:03
The more I see how much DIY has become a worldwide trend in recent years - due to lack of money and a growing green conscience - the more I am beginning to believe that the recession has helped to trigger society back into a place of creativity and self-sufficiency.
From making your own cushion covers to creating furniture from the wood of used Christmas trees, innovative creations have been springing up everywhere. And you have only to look to the internet or your own mind for ideas.
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wind generator design uses recycled hard drives
Submitted by incoming on Thu, 2011-12-22 07:39
Jagau won the Student Poster Presentation award at the 2011 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers’ Energy Conversion Congress & Exposition that was held in Phoenix, Arizona, USA, in September 2011. His design reuses the permanent
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interactive climate change centre to be built at v&a waterfront
Submitted by ConsciousBabe on Mon, 2011-12-12 13:24
Imagine there was a place you could go to learn about Climate Change in a fun, interactive way? The International Polar Foundation is bringing these kind of science centres to the world and South Africa gets to accommodate the first one!!
(image by Grant Mcpherson) For young and old, businesses and families, this science society interface will function to provide all the information and knowledge to empower a more ecologically responsible future. With the recent discoveries on humankind’s specific
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feathered friends & lucrative layers: part II
Submitted by JimmySprout on Mon, 2011-11-28 11:42
Previously we gave you 10 great reasons to look into keeping your own urban chickens. Now we take a look at some suitable home-range breeds, where to get them, and what you can expect to pay.
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climate change response expo: green innovation in a parking lot
Submitted by JimmySprout on Fri, 2011-11-25 14:34
A host of green events, entertainment and exhibits will be held as part of the Climate Change Response Expo (CCR) which opens next week Monday the 28th November. The biggest green expo in SA to date, it will be running alongside the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 17) in Durban and is expected to draw over 30 000 people and 15 000 UN delegates! More than 100 exhibitors will showcase their innovations towards clean and efficient energy, sustainable development and water resource management amongst a host of climate change initiatives. Business, Green Solutions, Science and be inspired this weekend
Submitted by JimmySprout on Thu, 2011-11-17 16:56
Our green guide to this weekend Carrotmob Cape Town: Join Climate Smart Cape Town in South Africa's first carrotmob this weekend in the heart of Cape Town. Carrotmob is a global movement aimed at creating social change and builds upon the power of consumers to change the way in which businesses operate. You will be mobbing certain carrotmob businesses, who will in turn agree to invest a certain percentage of the profits into improving its environmental or social impact. It is a “buycott” instead of a “boycott”. Carrotmob takes place at Maria’s Café on Dunkley Square, Gardens, this Friday 18 November from 5pm till 10:30pm For more information, click here Green Expo Cape Town: The Green Expo in Cape Town takes place this weeked at the CTICC. Expect some to find some great eco-friendly goods, green technologies, earth-friendly products and more. For more information, prices and contact details, please click here Inspiring Change: Inspiring Change is brought to you by Climate Smart Cape Town and runs concurrently with |