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Submitted by sproutingforth on Thu, 2007-08-23 11:40
And it isn’t just about the poisonous chemicals you are introducing into your homes and onto your skins; it’s also what you’re pouring down the drain... Some sobering statistics: • Of the 17 000 petrochemicals available for home use, only 30% have been tested for their affects on human health and the environment The cupboard under our kitchen sink is the most toxic part of the home, and its contents, generally used without reservation, beg an urgent ethical overhaul. Going green means affecting our environment as little as possible. We’ve allowed ourselves to become a people obsessed with getting rid of germs, with dangerous consequences. It’s time to exercise our power as consumers, and find alternatives. Alternative green brands that are non-toxic, biodegradable (although this term can sometimes be rather misleading – make sure that it’s qualified, and that the ingredients are listed) and made from resources other than petroleum-based products are fast entering the market and providing us with organic and green alternatives. Going natural • general cleaner – white vinegar+bicarb+water - it even foams, and cleans just about anything other niggles: • cloths and towels – paper towels and other disposable cleaning things like paper serviettes can be replaced with re-usable cloths and microfibre cloths. These are easily cleaned and don’t clog landfill. Try not to use sponges as these are not biodegradable, or look out for natural sponges from your health shop and use these instead If you enjoyed reading this green guide, then you'll also enjoy: green your personal care For details of organic or eco-friendly cleaning product suppliers:
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