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buildinghot new designs - winners of the no kak sustainable design showcase
Submitted by incoming on Thu, 2012-05-10 09:25
These were the culmination of the Initiative’s second cycle of events, themed “Home is where the heart is”. The goal of the Initiative’s mission to “educate, exhibit, exchange” is to deliver tangible examples of how sustainability and design thinking and processes have the power to make life better - for people, our planet and prosperity.
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Natural Pool Revolution!
Submitted by ConsciousBabe on Fri, 2012-03-30 09:27
Yes, we can have clear, gorgeous swimming pools without it costing nature!
Jenny Louw’s beautiful, bio-diverse swimming pool is a wonder to look at. Like a natural lake it lies transparent amongst the rushes and reeds, home to many garden creatures. Unlike chlorine pools, natural swimming pools work with the nature around them. They require no chemicals whatsoever and a quarter of the amount of electricity needed for normal swimming pools.
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government building gets green star SA rating
Submitted by incoming on Tue, 2012-03-27 20:17
stand up for chappies
Submitted by turbosprout on Thu, 2012-02-23 12:36
So says Fiona Hinds who was arrested after occupying the Chapman's Peak toll plaza construction site for five days. Fiona appeared in court yesterday on a charge of "malicious injury to property" for reportedly spraypainting "Murray & Robbers" on netting around the site. Entilini, developers of the R 54-million plaza and administrative centre, are owned partly by construction firm Murray and Roberts. Hinds' legal representative asked the court to remove the bail condition imposed on her after her arrest on Monday which prevented her from returning to the construction site. Removal of the bail condition was granted and the court hearing postponed until 23 March. Graham Taylor (Hinds' attorney) said: "It is a long shot to prosecute people for
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v&a waterfront gets vertical garden as part of green development
Submitted by incoming on Wed, 2012-02-08 10:39
Given the historical and natural significance of its positioning, the redevelopment of the Clock Tower Precinct – and in particular the construction of No 1 Silo – is guided by the latest global requirements for environmentally sustainable construction, as governed by the Green Building Council of South Africa. “Sustainable development is regarded as a fundamental aspect of the V&A Waterfront’s overall development strategy,” says David Green, CEO of the V&A Waterfront. “We have therefore adopted a rigorous approach to green construction and sustainable design principles, and the efficient use of natural and energy resources,” he says. home DIY - fun, simple, satisfying, green!
Submitted by ConsciousBabe on Mon, 2012-01-16 14:03
The more I see how much DIY has become a worldwide trend in recent years - due to lack of money and a growing green conscience - the more I am beginning to believe that the recession has helped to trigger society back into a place of creativity and self-sufficiency.
From making your own cushion covers to creating furniture from the wood of used Christmas trees, innovative creations have been springing up everywhere. And you have only to look to the internet or your own mind for ideas.
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the first multi-watt wind turbines to be built in SA
Submitted by ConsciousBabe on Wed, 2011-11-30 12:49
Plans for locally manufactured multi-megawatt turbines: A milestone for our local green economy?
Last week marked the launch of I-WEC’s rotor blade workshop, together with Western Cape Economic Development MEC Alan Winde and Connect’d Cape Town. Now we will see for the first time in history wind turbine blades manufactured in our very own country. With the Western Cape government’s ambitious target for renewable energy at 15% by 2014, I guess it’s about time.
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be inspired this weekend
Submitted by JimmySprout on Thu, 2011-11-17 16:56
Our green guide to this weekend Carrotmob Cape Town: Join Climate Smart Cape Town in South Africa's first carrotmob this weekend in the heart of Cape Town. Carrotmob is a global movement aimed at creating social change and builds upon the power of consumers to change the way in which businesses operate. You will be mobbing certain carrotmob businesses, who will in turn agree to invest a certain percentage of the profits into improving its environmental or social impact. It is a “buycott” instead of a “boycott”. Carrotmob takes place at Maria’s Café on Dunkley Square, Gardens, this Friday 18 November from 5pm till 10:30pm For more information, click here Green Expo Cape Town: The Green Expo in Cape Town takes place this weeked at the CTICC. Expect some to find some great eco-friendly goods, green technologies, earth-friendly products and more. For more information, prices and contact details, please click here Inspiring Change: Inspiring Change is brought to you by Climate Smart Cape Town and runs concurrently with inspiring change gathering
Submitted by JimmySprout on Thu, 2011-11-17 12:38
Running concurrently with the Green Expo this weekend (18th - 20th Nov), the Cape Town Climate Change Coalition is hosting a gathering called Inspiring Change. Held at the Cape Town International Convention Centre (CTICC) from 18 – 20 November 2011, this series of talks and demonstrations aims to stimulate fresh thinking and to share ideas about our city. The gathering includes several cool aspects including the Siemens electric mobility roadshow, Pecha Kucha sessions, inspiring panellists deliberating on Cape Town's role in climate change solutions, site visits and a Carotmob. The travelling exhibition by Siemens has already been in many parts of the world and makes its south african lands key position on world green building council
Submitted by incoming on Thu, 2011-11-03 17:29
Kerswill has been involved with the World GBC Exco for three years through his role as a Director, and also as Secretary. Recognising the need for change in the built environment in SA, he helped form the GBCSA in 2007. Since then the GBCSA, under Kerswills guidance, has become one of the most active councils globally and is at the forefront of green building in SA. |