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green your holidays
Submitted by sproutingforth on Wed, 2008-03-05 10:03
Holidays are no longer only associated with gas-guzzling air miles and water-craving golf courses. Hop onto the web and there are now many overseas websites committed solely to green travel where responsible and sustainable holidays are fast becoming the norm.
What is a green stay? In South Africa there is very little at the moment being done to legitimise the claims of establishments calling themselves ‘organic’ or ‘eco’. The term eco-tourism in particular has been bandied about by many a tour operator who is looking after anything but the environment, so it calls for a little discrimination on your part when trying to find a place to stay. This is going to change soon and there is already talk of a ‘green’ accommodation grading system on the cards. Your venue is green if: It is an organic farm or small holding – in other words, your accommodation is on a farm that subscribes to organic principals in the process of growing its food. No exposure to chemical pesticides, herbicides and fertilisers is an added bonus. Many of these venues also cook with their own home-grown food and produce organic fare as much as possible. Other venues call themselves organic if they provide as much organic food and organic products at the venue as possible. [organic accommodation on urban sprout] It is an eco venue – it has taken active steps to protect the environment in some way, has allocated areas of biodiversity, or has used green architecture and design principles in the building of the venue and attempts to minimise its impact on the environment as much as possible. [eco accommodation on urban sprout] It is fairtrade - in June 2002, the Fair Trade in Tourism SA Trademark was officially launched in South Africa - the first time in the history of the fair trade movement that a trademark or label for the tourism sector had been created. If a venue is fair trade, it is about making sure that the people whose land, natural resources, labour, knowledge and culture are used for tourism activities, actually benefit from tourism. [fairtrade accommodation on urban sprout] Here are a few easy steps to green your holidays: Stay local Use the web to make a booking Offset your carbon emissions Alternative modes of transport Reduce, reuse, recycle When in Rome
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