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reviewsSplit Estate: a documentary about the real effects of fracking
Submitted by ConsciousBabe on Fri, 2012-05-11 15:33
A heart-breaking film about the often downplayed environmental and health impacts of hydraulic fracking, Split Estate is a relevant watch for all South Africans.
Dwindling petroleum resources and technical advancements is what brought on the fracking hype. How it works is that fluid is injected into rock at high pressure to encourage the release of residue gas, which is then extracted. While hydraulic fracturing remains a controversial topic, Split Estate follows the stories of those people who have been affected by it. permaculture in my backyard – we get a chicken dome
Submitted by sproutingforth on Thu, 2012-05-10 09:54
These three little hens (although they're not so little anymore) have been with us for roughly 11 weeks, and they've gone from scrawny little hold-in-your-hands chicks, to bustling, robust hens in that short time. We wanted layers, so we sourced buff orpingtons from our former intern, who has a large 'homestead' in Constantia...
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the long road to a greener commute - a look at jo'burg's public transport system
Submitted by Raisa on Tue, 2012-05-08 10:08
Raisa Cole takes to Jo'burg's streets to find out why most of us don't use public transport. The transportation sector is the most rapidly growing source of greenhouse gases in South Africa. According to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) the carbon emissions from the sector has grown by 30% in the last ten years, making it the fastest growing sector in terms of carbon emissions. Reducing the number of cars on the road seems to be the logical answer, but the majority of South Africans still use private vehicles as their primary mode of transport.
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the lorax: great kid's animation movie with a green message!
Submitted by ConsciousBabe on Wed, 2012-04-25 13:48
The latest animation movie for kids proves to have a strong green conscience.
If you've never read the book by Dr Seuss - complete with it's fun rhymes and zaney humour - you can now watch The Lorax on big screen! With incredible animation effects by Illumination Entertainment (the guys who brought us Despicable Me) and voices from the likes of Danny DeVito and Zac Efron, you will find yourself touched by the simple story that shows how greed can lead to the demise of nature. The Lorax himself is a bizarre little creature with a large yellow moustache who claims to 'speak for the trees, for the trees have no tongues' - cute or what?
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the end of the line - doccie review
Submitted by ConsciousBabe on Mon, 2012-04-23 09:14
Where have all the fish gone?
Based on the book 'The End of The Line: How overfishing is changing the world and what we eat' written by journalist Charles Clover, this prestigious documentary serves as a wake-up call for all mankind. Having won numerous awards including the Puma Creative Award and Environment Award at the 2010 One World Media Awards, The End of the Line asks us to re-evaluate the way we see fish.
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Hidden treasures of the Garden Route
Submitted by ConsciousBabe on Wed, 2012-04-11 10:01
Travelling up to the Harmonic Resonance party to help promote my mums event The Little Green Gathering , we discovered many hidden treasures amongst the otherwise isolatingly spacious and overgrown landscapes of the Garden Route.
Friday Night: After a long-winded and rather dramatic 6-hour ride in the dark and rain, we arrive at our friend's off-the-grid home, greeted mercifully by a cup of Organic hot cocoa. This is the kind of house where you take a flashlight to the loo and have to stand in a certain place in the lounge to receive any morsel of cellular phone reception. I slept like a baby. Saturday:
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MobiSan Unit - Pook se Bos
Submitted by ConsciousBabe on Tue, 2012-03-20 11:20
Two years ago, the Dutch government donated a unique toilet unit to the small community of Pook se Bos. We go to check it out... After following a technology breadcrumb trail, (getting lost along the way) we found ourselves in the middle of a baking hot Athlone. My contact was nowhere to be seen, and I foolishly had not jotted down his number. After several seconds of unsuccessful phone web searches, I jumped from the car and strode up to one of the locals sitting outside their rickety home, surpassing an aggravated dog as I did so. 'Hi there. Can you please tell me where the toilets are? The blues ones?,' I gestured.
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bolo'bolo: new vegan restaurant opens in muizenberg
Submitted by ConsciousBabe on Thu, 2012-03-15 13:50
Bolo'Bolo , the new vegan restaurant open on Palmer Road, is more than your average eatery...
Palmer Road’s vegan restaurant has just changed hands and its new name, Bolo’Bolo, makes reference to a anthropological joke - the fictional name given to societies that don’t follow normal cultural patterns. Proud new owner Aragorn has experience in this type of business before, having opened and ran South Africa’s first vegan restaurant ‘Earth2’ while he was still living in Johannesburg some years ago.
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Home Birth Gathering: on our rights
Submitted by ConsciousBabe on Mon, 2012-03-12 14:16
Home Birth Gathering at Erin Hall : Birth as a humans rights issue
‘We’re not anti-hospital, we’re just about sharing,’ says Ruth as we begin. According to her, natural home birth is a valid option for an expecting mother. These gathering events are a chance for the interested to meet up and discuss – from couples to mothers-to-be, doulas, midwives or simply anyone who is curious about the idea of having a baby at home. As it was Human Rights Month, this particular Home Birth Gathering topic was titled ‘birth as a human rights issue’. one struggle conference
Submitted by ConsciousBabe on Mon, 2012-02-20 09:45
One Struggle – a conference on social justice, animal rights and radical environmentalism - took place in Muizenberg last Saturday (18 Feb) thanks to the South African Vegan Society.
Hearing about the One Struggle conference, I was immediately excited; the South African Vegan Society represent a genuine passion for true authentic societal change, and I knew this would be reflected in any event they organised. When we arrived in the afternoon, was busy giving her talk on veganism and food security in Cape Town: explaining how being vegan is better not only for animals, but for people and the earth too. The young lady really sounded like she knew her stuff, and displayed all the facts to back up her statements. ‘We may be making attempts to save water in our home due to turning off taps and showering instead of bathing, but when 85% of our water waste is on our plate it is important that we re-evaluate our diet. And this is not mere theory – the U.N. have been urging people to eat local and plant-based for years,' she explained, adding: 'But it is not just our diet that must change, but the production system of our diet.’ Opening up discussion to the audience, there were |