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healthInterview with Greenpop
Submitted by ConsciousBabe on Mon, 2012-05-14 09:48
Greenpop chat to me about their festival, carbon offsetting and the awesomeness of vegetarian food...
Greenpop just hosted its second ever Reforestation Festival this past weekend, where participants plant indigenous trees to help restore the ancient Platbos forest. Around 250 people from the ages of 5 to 65 years joined them in their 'Treevolution'.
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Split Estate: a documentary about the real effects of fracking
Submitted by ConsciousBabe on Fri, 2012-05-11 15:33
A heart-breaking film about the often downplayed environmental and health impacts of hydraulic fracking, Split Estate is a relevant watch for all South Africans.
Dwindling petroleum resources and technical advancements is what brought on the fracking hype. How it works is that fluid is injected into rock at high pressure to encourage the release of residue gas, which is then extracted. While hydraulic fracturing remains a controversial topic, Split Estate follows the stories of those people who have been affected by it. Herbal Teas - a wealth of good!
Submitted by ConsciousBabe on Wed, 2012-05-09 11:09
Stay healthy this winter with herbal tea, nature's own gentle medicine.
When it's cold out there and the wind is a-blowing, there is nothing like a good old cup of tea to warm the cockles of the heart. But by adding milk or sugar we lose much of the health quality of warm drinks, which makes herbal tea a great alternative to keep us hydrated during winter. Plus, the healing properties of herbs is a wisdom that dates far back into our history, and still holds true today. Herbal teas can help address certain minor health issues, but of course in more severe cases other medications would probably be best. Below are some of the more widely available teas that can help aid our bodies. Green Tea Fairtrade South Africa announce their first ambassador
Submitted by ConsciousBabe on Wed, 2012-05-02 11:05
Fairtrade Label South Africa celebrated their first ambassador this week, award-winning musician Loyiso Bala.
Joining the rest of the mingling media, we sipped delicious Fairtrade wine under the cool trees of Oude Libertas farm estate. Speeches commenced after the old slave bell was rung: the sound of irony. 'I plan to not just be a face, but to really get involved hands-on, so that hopefully this same time next year I can tell you about all the amazing Fairtrade projects I have been involved in,' commented Loyiso jovially during his speech last Tuesday.
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To chum or not to chum?
Submitted by ConsciousBabe on Mon, 2012-04-23 14:16
Could commercial chumming be to blame for recent attacks?
Last Friday young local bodyboarder David Lilienfeld was tragically attacked and killed by a shark off Kogel Bay. Fingers have been instantly pointed at Chris Fischer and NPO Ocearch who, despite public opposition, had been tossing up to 5 tonnes of chum into the False Bay oceans over the last few weeks in an attempt to attract Great Whites for their documentary series 'Sharkmen'. After the attack their permit was revoked.
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urban sprout gets a punt in latest eat in
Submitted by sproutingforth on Fri, 2012-04-13 09:18
This edition is labelled the ultimate green shopping guide and lists farmers' markets, organic vegetables, sustainable seafood and free-range beef etc. It also has a section on shopping ethically in SA, where urban sprout makes it to the list of websites to visit to stay in the green! (good to know we're still well regarded out there) Get your copy at a stockist near you.
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Natural Pool Revolution!
Submitted by ConsciousBabe on Fri, 2012-03-30 09:27
Yes, we can have clear, gorgeous swimming pools without it costing nature!
Jenny Louw’s beautiful, bio-diverse swimming pool is a wonder to look at. Like a natural lake it lies transparent amongst the rushes and reeds, home to many garden creatures. Unlike chlorine pools, natural swimming pools work with the nature around them. They require no chemicals whatsoever and a quarter of the amount of electricity needed for normal swimming pools.
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MobiSan Unit - Pook se Bos
Submitted by ConsciousBabe on Tue, 2012-03-20 11:20
Two years ago, the Dutch government donated a unique toilet unit to the small community of Pook se Bos. We go to check it out... After following a technology breadcrumb trail, (getting lost along the way) we found ourselves in the middle of a baking hot Athlone. My contact was nowhere to be seen, and I foolishly had not jotted down his number. After several seconds of unsuccessful phone web searches, I jumped from the car and strode up to one of the locals sitting outside their rickety home, surpassing an aggravated dog as I did so. 'Hi there. Can you please tell me where the toilets are? The blues ones?,' I gestured.
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bolo'bolo: new vegan restaurant opens in muizenberg
Submitted by ConsciousBabe on Thu, 2012-03-15 13:50
Bolo'Bolo , the new vegan restaurant open on Palmer Road, is more than your average eatery...
Palmer Road’s vegan restaurant has just changed hands and its new name, Bolo’Bolo, makes reference to a anthropological joke - the fictional name given to societies that don’t follow normal cultural patterns. Proud new owner Aragorn has experience in this type of business before, having opened and ran South Africa’s first vegan restaurant ‘Earth2’ while he was still living in Johannesburg some years ago.
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Home Birth Gathering: on our rights
Submitted by ConsciousBabe on Mon, 2012-03-12 14:16
Home Birth Gathering at Erin Hall : Birth as a humans rights issue
‘We’re not anti-hospital, we’re just about sharing,’ says Ruth as we begin. According to her, natural home birth is a valid option for an expecting mother. These gathering events are a chance for the interested to meet up and discuss – from couples to mothers-to-be, doulas, midwives or simply anyone who is curious about the idea of having a baby at home. As it was Human Rights Month, this particular Home Birth Gathering topic was titled ‘birth as a human rights issue’. |