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communityfuturelife committed to non-gmo food
Submitted by incoming on Wed, 2015-03-11 17:01
We received this statement from FUTURELIFE in response to the article about the African Centre for Biosafety testing South African food products for Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) Fairtrade Coffee Week!
Submitted by ConsciousBabe on Tue, 2012-05-15 09:03
This week join Fairtrade Label South Africa in their campaign to promote an ethical alternative for all coffee lovers.
While there are many events and initiatives on the theme of fair trade happening internationally - in correlation with last Saturday's World Fair Trade Day - this will be the second time Fairtrade Coffee Week takes place in South Africa. “Fairtrade Coffee Week has a special meaning for Fairtrade, both locally and internationally, as it celebrates our flagship product and the thousands of small-scale farmers involved in Fairtrade coffee production worldwide,” says FLSA’s Executive Director, Boudewijn Goossens.
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Interview with Greenpop
Submitted by ConsciousBabe on Mon, 2012-05-14 09:48
Greenpop chat to me about their festival, carbon offsetting and the awesomeness of vegetarian food...
Greenpop just hosted its second ever Reforestation Festival this past weekend, where participants plant indigenous trees to help restore the ancient Platbos forest. Around 250 people from the ages of 5 to 65 years joined them in their 'Treevolution'.
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Split Estate: a documentary about the real effects of fracking
Submitted by ConsciousBabe on Fri, 2012-05-11 15:33
A heart-breaking film about the often downplayed environmental and health impacts of hydraulic fracking, Split Estate is a relevant watch for all South Africans.
Dwindling petroleum resources and technical advancements is what brought on the fracking hype. How it works is that fluid is injected into rock at high pressure to encourage the release of residue gas, which is then extracted. While hydraulic fracturing remains a controversial topic, Split Estate follows the stories of those people who have been affected by it. Fairtrade South Africa announce their first ambassador
Submitted by ConsciousBabe on Wed, 2012-05-02 11:05
Fairtrade Label South Africa celebrated their first ambassador this week, award-winning musician Loyiso Bala.
Joining the rest of the mingling media, we sipped delicious Fairtrade wine under the cool trees of Oude Libertas farm estate. Speeches commenced after the old slave bell was rung: the sound of irony. 'I plan to not just be a face, but to really get involved hands-on, so that hopefully this same time next year I can tell you about all the amazing Fairtrade projects I have been involved in,' commented Loyiso jovially during his speech last Tuesday.
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dargle local living - building a community
Submitted by incoming on Tue, 2012-04-24 10:19
Dargle Local Living is an initiative aimed at building a better future for our community, starting by listing as much of the food which is locally produced in a small, sustainable way as possible. At the market held beside ilPostinoResturant, you will find handmade cheese, mixed greens, pickles, jams, quiches, gooseberries, tomato plants, compost, farm yard eggs (duck, quail and chicken), pumpkins, homemade muesli and natural yoghurt too!
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To chum or not to chum?
Submitted by ConsciousBabe on Mon, 2012-04-23 14:16
Could commercial chumming be to blame for recent attacks?
Last Friday young local bodyboarder David Lilienfeld was tragically attacked and killed by a shark off Kogel Bay. Fingers have been instantly pointed at Chris Fischer and NPO Ocearch who, despite public opposition, had been tossing up to 5 tonnes of chum into the False Bay oceans over the last few weeks in an attempt to attract Great Whites for their documentary series 'Sharkmen'. After the attack their permit was revoked.
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the end of the line - doccie review
Submitted by ConsciousBabe on Mon, 2012-04-23 09:14
Where have all the fish gone?
Based on the book 'The End of The Line: How overfishing is changing the world and what we eat' written by journalist Charles Clover, this prestigious documentary serves as a wake-up call for all mankind. Having won numerous awards including the Puma Creative Award and Environment Award at the 2010 One World Media Awards, The End of the Line asks us to re-evaluate the way we see fish.
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may day for rivers - kzn sets an example
Submitted by incoming on Tue, 2012-04-17 09:22
A small group of environmentalists passionate about the planet, and particularly water, will begin walking the 265 kms of the uMngeni River on 1 May (May Day). Starting at MngeniVlei – the plateau above Dargle and Fort Nottingham where the river rises - and ending at Blue Lagoon where it rushes into the Indian Ocean. Along the way they will document and record all impacts on the river to gain a complete picture of the health of the river and hopefully unite everyone in establishing a Green Corridor along the length of the river. Daily stories of their adventures and findings will be posted on their blog -
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connect the dots
Submitted by Green Lily on Thu, 2012-04-12 14:43
Across the planet now we see ever more flood, ever more drought, ever more storms. People are dying, communities are being wrecked — the impacts we’re already witnessing from climate change are unlike anything we have seen before. But because the globe is so big, it’s hard for most people to see that it’s all connected. That’s why, on May 5, we will Connect the Dots.
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