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conservationless meat, less heat - animal agriculture and global warming
Submitted by incoming on Fri, 2011-12-02 13:08
The Humane Society International is pressing policymakers to address animal agriculture’s role in global warming during the UN conferences in Durban. COP17, the United Nations’ climate change conference, opened this week with hopes for a global agreement that will stave off the most dangerous impacts of climate change. Given animal agriculture’s significant contributions to the climate crisis (see this report), the Humane Society International believes that conference outcomes should include policies to reduce the animal agriculture sector’s greenhouse gas emissions.
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from the heart of the world: the elder brothers' warning
Submitted by JimmySprout on Tue, 2011-11-29 14:24
Exploding Cinema and Cafe Ganesh present another documovie screening this Wednesday, 30th November. From the Heart of the World: The Elder Brothers' Warning is being shown as part of this season's documentary screenings. This beautiful, sobering documentary from 1990 carries a strong warning from a remote South American tribe that cautions us, the “younger brothers”, to give up our self-destructive ways and honour the planet, before it is too late. After four centuries of seclusion
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climate change response expo: green innovation in a parking lot
Submitted by JimmySprout on Fri, 2011-11-25 14:34
A host of green events, entertainment and exhibits will be held as part of the Climate Change Response Expo (CCR) which opens next week Monday the 28th November. The biggest green expo in SA to date, it will be running alongside the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP 17) in Durban and is expected to draw over 30 000 people and 15 000 UN delegates! More than 100 exhibitors will showcase their innovations towards clean and efficient energy, sustainable development and water resource management amongst a host of climate change initiatives. Business, Green Solutions, Science and be inspired this weekend
Submitted by JimmySprout on Thu, 2011-11-17 16:56
Our green guide to this weekend Carrotmob Cape Town: Join Climate Smart Cape Town in South Africa's first carrotmob this weekend in the heart of Cape Town. Carrotmob is a global movement aimed at creating social change and builds upon the power of consumers to change the way in which businesses operate. You will be mobbing certain carrotmob businesses, who will in turn agree to invest a certain percentage of the profits into improving its environmental or social impact. It is a “buycott” instead of a “boycott”. Carrotmob takes place at Maria’s Café on Dunkley Square, Gardens, this Friday 18 November from 5pm till 10:30pm For more information, click here Green Expo Cape Town: The Green Expo in Cape Town takes place this weeked at the CTICC. Expect some to find some great eco-friendly goods, green technologies, earth-friendly products and more. For more information, prices and contact details, please click here Inspiring Change: Inspiring Change is brought to you by Climate Smart Cape Town and runs concurrently with put our table at the top
Submitted by JimmySprout on Fri, 2011-11-11 10:22
Here's your last chance to vote for Table Mountain as one of the New 7 Wonders of Nature With voting closing in just over two hours, Table Mountain could really do with some home-grown gees to put it in the top seven of the New 7 Wonders of Nature From over 440 participants representing over 220 countries, this international campaign will see 7 of the now 28 finalists named the New 7 Wonders of Nature. Voting is simple and may be done online , via MXit, or by sending an SMS with the word “Table” to 34874. Each SMS costs R2, but you may SMS vote as often as you like!
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black rhinos take to the skies
Submitted by incoming on Wed, 2011-11-09 14:08
Flying Rhinos from Green Renaissance on Vimeo. The seventh black rhino population established by the WWF Black Rhino Range Expansion Project, was recently released after an epic 1500 kilometre trip across the country. 19 of the critically endangered animals were moved from the Eastern Cape to a new location in Limpopo province.
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karoo - timeless to timebomb - who is to blame?
Submitted by Sandy Van Hoogs... on Thu, 2011-10-20 10:13
Join Jonathan Deal, Chairman of TKAG, for a talk on fracking at UCT this evening. Details below. Sometimes the truth, while undeniable once grasped, is remarkably evasive to those who supposedly seek it. Or perhaps there is none so blind as those who do not wish to see? This is the case in the highly polarized “fracking” debate, which has raged in South Africa this year. The true culprits responsible for bringing on this potential travesty of intergenerational justice have so far evaded mention altogether.
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two oceans aquarium nets top environmental rating
Submitted by incoming on Mon, 2011-10-17 10:45
The Two Oceans Aquarium was recently awarded Platinum status by the Heritage Environmental Management Company in recognition of its efforts towards sustainability and reducing the impact of its operations on the environment. The Aquarium’s Managing Director, Dr Patrick Garratt, said, “We are thrilled with this achievement especially in light of the fact that we will be hosting approximately 500 of the world’s top aquarium personnel for the 8th International Aquarium Congress in September 2012. One of the themes suggested by our international peers is sustainability. Our Platinum status not only provides us with credibility but also to showcase the Two Oceans Aquarium as a leader within the field of sustainability in aquariums”.
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ewt's ceo wins environmentalist of the year award
Submitted by incoming on Mon, 2011-10-17 02:08
The Endangered Wildlife Trust is delighted to announce that its CEO, Yolan Friedmann, has received the Nick Steele Memorial Award for the Environmentalist of the Year 2011. Now in its 23rd year, the South African Breweries (SAB) proudly announces winners in its SAB Environmentalist of the Year and Environmental Media Awards each year. According to Dr Ian Player, Chief Judge for the Awards, the decision amongst the judges was unanimous. Furthermore he says: “We were all delighted that this was the first time that a woman had won the award”.
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de beers urged to halt sale until they "fix our area"
Submitted by incoming on Fri, 2011-10-14 09:54
This video speaks for itself, De Beers gets to mine the hell out of the West Coast and the local community is left with the mess. “Halt the sale of De Beers operations until they fix our area”, says the Cape West Coast community of Hondeklipbaai. The imminent sale of De Beers’ diamond mining operations on the Cape West Coast must be halted until full disclosure and proper consultation with all affected parties has taken place, says the community. The Department of Mineral Resources (DMR) is expected to make a decision on the approval of the amended environmental management programme, and the transfer of mining rights to Trans Hex, within weeks. The community launched an awareness campaign this week, to urge DMR to postpone their decision. Speaking at a media briefing in Cape Town, Hondeklipbaai community leader Dawid Markus said the sale
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