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Sandy Van Hoogstraten's blogkaroo - timeless to timebomb - who is to blame?
Submitted by Sandy Van Hoogs... on Thu, 2011-10-20 10:13
Join Jonathan Deal, Chairman of TKAG, for a talk on fracking at UCT this evening. Details below. Sometimes the truth, while undeniable once grasped, is remarkably evasive to those who supposedly seek it. Or perhaps there is none so blind as those who do not wish to see? This is the case in the highly polarized “fracking” debate, which has raged in South Africa this year. The true culprits responsible for bringing on this potential travesty of intergenerational justice have so far evaded mention altogether.
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are you happy with that nappy?
Submitted by Sandy Van Hoogs... on Thu, 2011-06-30 07:01
But even less logical, is the idea that "disposable" nappies are convenient. The CON in CONVENIENCE Babies in "disposable" nappies take six to twelve months longer to potty train, than babies in cloth nappies. Convenient? Cloth nappies never run out. "Disposable" nappies are always on your shopping list. Convenient?
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