from the heart of the world: the elder brothers' warning

Submitted by JimmySprout on Tue, 2011-11-29 14:24

From the Heart of the WorldFrom the Heart of the World

Exploding Cinema and Cafe Ganesh present another documovie screening this Wednesday, 30th November. From the Heart of the World: The Elder Brothers' Warning is being shown as part of this season's documentary screenings.

This beautiful, sobering documentary from 1990 carries a strong warning from a remote South American tribe that cautions us, the “younger brothers”, to give up our self-destructive ways and honour the planet, before it is too late.

After four centuries of seclusion, the Kogi, considered to be the last surviving pre-Colombian civilization, asked the BBC to visit their homeland in the Sierra Nevada mountains of northern Colombia, to deliver a prophetic message to the industrialized world. Seeing themselves as guardians of life on earth, the Kogi have a profound spiritual understanding of the bond between humankind and the natural world — a bond that, they insist, must be respected.

This powerful film stands as an especially cogent and moving plea for ecological wisdom, and has inspired many environmentalists over the years.

Cafe Ganesh is on the corner of Trill and Lower Main Roads, Observatory, Cape Town