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Green Lily's blogconnect the dots
Submitted by Green Lily on Thu, 2012-04-12 14:43
Across the planet now we see ever more flood, ever more drought, ever more storms. People are dying, communities are being wrecked — the impacts we’re already witnessing from climate change are unlike anything we have seen before. But because the globe is so big, it’s hard for most people to see that it’s all connected. That’s why, on May 5, we will Connect the Dots.
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help save the rhinos
Submitted by Green Lily on Thu, 2012-03-22 14:35
ALL proceeds are donated to the WWF Save the Rhino Fund South Africa: Rhinos killed 2007-2011 2007: 13
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new award announced for sustainable transportation entrepreneurs
Submitted by Green Lily on Tue, 2012-03-20 16:06
Is your New Mobility project moving minds as well as people? Then enter the SMART Mobility EnterPrize competition and you could find yourself moving in new mobility circles at Rio+20, and beyond. New Mobility – also known as ‘sustainable transportation’ – is about moving people, moving goods, and moving less, in ways that are cleaner, greener, safer, healthier, and more equitable (and more ‘hip’, of course…). ccr expo set new greening standards
Submitted by Green Lily on Tue, 2012-02-07 09:18
At the end of last year, Scan Display and Interactive Africa pulled out all the stops to put together the South African Climate Change Response Expo (CCR Expo) on behalf of the Department of Environmental Affairs. In 4 weeks they essentially transformed a parking lot into a worldclass exhibition destination, and implemented some cool green intiativse to boot. Perhaps other green event organisers can pick up some useful ideas? COP 17 The CCR Expo ran alongside the biggest conference Durban has ever hosted, COP17, which attracted in the region of 15 000 international delegates and visitors including support staff, media and those attending side events. While COP17 was a fairly exclusive event, the CCR Expo was a space
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plant a tree and make a difference
Submitted by Green Lily on Wed, 2011-12-14 14:31
Some reports pin the average tree as absorbing 1 ton of carbon over it's 100 year lifespan, with most of that carbon being sequestered between the ages of 20 and 50 years. Planting now is essentially an investment in some serious carbon sequestration between 2030 and 2050 - and we are sure to be needing it even more desperately by then. Co-benefits
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south africa to celebrate its first fairtrade week
Submitted by Green Lily on Sun, 2011-10-16 01:10
The campaign’s theme - ‘Taste the Change’ - encourages everyone to learn how Fairtrade is transforming the way to do business in South Africa and Africa, how it creates positive change in farming communities and in the way consumers engage with the product. cobbing workshop in montagu on janna's house “propinquity”
Submitted by Green Lily on Tue, 2011-10-11 22:30
The workshop will be led by Jill Hogan, founder of McGregor Alternative Technology Centre who has over 14 years of experience in natural building, restoration and workshops on all aspects of natural homes and has an incredible amount of knowledge and first hand experience. Cob is soft and curvaceous so is very comfortable. It is also warm in winter and cool in summer. You can build your furniture into the walls giving more floor space. Janna decided as her house is oval she does not want straight lines in her kitchen so our challenge is to build her an oval kitchen. The kitchen is going to be in the corner of the house shown in the picture above. |