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be inspired this weekend

Submitted by JimmySprout on Thu, 2011-11-17 16:56

What's on this weekend... 17 / 18 / 19 NovemberWhat's on this weekend... 17 / 18 / 19 November

Our green guide to this weekend

Carrotmob Cape Town:

Join Climate Smart Cape Town in South Africa's first carrotmob this weekend in the heart of Cape Town. Carrotmob is a global movement aimed at creating social change and builds upon the power of consumers to change the way in which businesses operate. You will be mobbing certain carrotmob businesses, who will in turn agree to invest a certain percentage of the profits into improving its environmental or social impact. It is a “buycott” instead of a “boycott”.

Carrotmob takes place at Maria’s Café on Dunkley Square, Gardens, this Friday 18 November from 5pm till 10:30pm

For more information, click here

Green Expo Cape Town:

The Green Expo in Cape Town takes place this weeked at the CTICC. Expect some to find some great eco-friendly goods, green technologies, earth-friendly products and more.

For more information, prices and contact details, please click here

Inspiring Change:

Inspiring Change is brought to you by Climate Smart Cape Town and runs concurrently with

the radioactive reality...

Submitted by JimmySprout on Thu, 2011-11-17 16:42

Image: www.clker.comImage:

We are generally kept in the dark when it comes to the dangers of nuclear power and radioactive materials.

Japan had a scary awakening after the earthquake and subsequent tsunamis wrecked the No. 1 nuclear reactor at Fukushima. Since then the ‘no-entry zone’ totals roughly 1 100 square kilometres while caesium contamination zones are now estimated at over 8 000 square kilometres.

Cape Town has a nuclear reactor - Koeberg, and it sits slap bang in the middle of the west coast. Yet Koeberg has no evacuation strategy should a nuclear disaster occur, and their emergency response plan only deals with a radius of 16km around the site. This is slightly concerning considering the Cape Peninsula is exactly that – a peninsula. What’s even more concerning is that those evacuated from Fukushima were from a radius of 20km around the site!

Not only are emergency response plans seriously under-prepared, but the scale of possible disaster is also underestimated. The Cape Town city centre is only 28 kilometres from the current Koeberg site and despite this being almost 10 kilometres over the ‘outer reaches’ of an evacuation area, developments along the west coast over the past decade have been enormous.

Oddly enough, the South African Government wants

inspiring change gathering

Submitted by JimmySprout on Thu, 2011-11-17 12:38

Inspiring Change: 18 - 20 Nov, CTICCInspiring Change: 18 - 20 Nov, CTICC

Running concurrently with the Green Expo this weekend (18th - 20th Nov), the Cape Town Climate Change Coalition is hosting a gathering called Inspiring Change.

Held at the Cape Town International Convention Centre (CTICC) from 18 – 20 November 2011, this series of talks and demonstrations aims to stimulate fresh thinking and to share ideas about our city.

The gathering includes several cool aspects including the Siemens electric mobility roadshow, Pecha Kucha sessions, inspiring panellists deliberating on Cape Town's role in climate change solutions, site visits and a Carotmob.

The travelling exhibition by Siemens has already been in many parts of the world and makes its

life should not be a gas

Submitted by JimmySprout on Tue, 2011-11-15 12:43

GASLAND screening tonightGASLAND screening tonight

Cafe Ganesh and Exploding Cinema will be kicking off a new season of documentary films this Wednesday with a special don't frack with our Karoo screening of the award-winning documovie, Gasland. The Screening is on Wednesday, 16 November at 8:30pm and entrance is free!

With the entire Karoo being faced with fracking leases (yes, the proposed area is almost 15% of South Africa's entire land-mass!), this documovie is now particularaly relevant to all South Africans!

Read some more...

"GASLAND - (2010) Directed by Josh Fox.
Winner of Special Jury Prize - Best US Documentary Feature - Sundance 2010.
Screening at Cannes 2010.

south african fairtrade week

Submitted by JimmySprout on Mon, 2011-11-14 10:45

Fairtrade WeekFairtrade Week

This week (14-20 November) marks South Africa's first ever Fairtrade Week.

Fairtrade Label South Africa (FLSA) is the local marketing organisation for Fairtrade and aims to alleviate rural poverty while empowering small-scale farmers and disadvantaged workers primarily in Africa. This is done by creating market opportunities for, and increasing sales of Fairtrade labelled products in South Africa. So far, their hard work and our local support has seen sales in South Africa reach a staggering R18,4 million in 2010, a three-fold increase from the R5,7 million in 2009!

anarchist book fairs in the cape

Submitted by ConsciousBabe on Fri, 2011-11-11 11:11

The perfect opportunity to purchase cutting-edge literatureThe perfect opportunity to purchase cutting-edge literature

First Book Fair
This Guy Fawkes marked the first anarchist book fair in Africa, a trend that has taken off all around the world. These events are a great opportunity for existing anarchists to come together and the common public to learn more about anarchism.

Located at Observatory’s quirky café Ganesh, the anarchist book fair on the 5th November had a revolutionary atmosphere, and you could almost feel the genius as it bred in small groups, big ideas swished around by foreigners and locals alike.

‘There were more anarchists at the book fair than we expected,’ says Stef, one of the fair's organisers. ‘I realise now how many are actually living in Cape Town. We sold loads of books and distributed tons of pamplets.

put our table at the top

Submitted by JimmySprout on Fri, 2011-11-11 10:22

Photo: south-african-hotels.comPhoto:

Here's your last chance to vote for Table Mountain as one of the New 7 Wonders of Nature

With voting closing in just over two hours, Table Mountain could really do with some home-grown gees to put it in the top seven of the New 7 Wonders of Nature

From over 440 participants representing over 220 countries, this international campaign will see 7 of the now 28 finalists named the New 7 Wonders of Nature.

Voting is simple and may be done online , via MXit, or by sending an SMS with the word “Table” to 34874. Each SMS costs R2, but you may SMS vote as often as you like!

greenpop: cool as folk 3

Submitted by JimmySprout on Thu, 2011-11-10 12:40

Cool as FolkCool as Folk

Join the Treevolution!

This Saturday 12 November sees the coolest green party of 2011 touch down at The Assembly in Cape Town. This awesome night of fun will be in aid of a sending Greenpop to Durban for COP17, the 17th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), later this month. The conference aims to facilitate pivotal discussion and allow significant decision making regarding the future of our environment, industries and the world’s forests.

feathered friends & lucrative layers

Submitted by JimmySprout on Wed, 2011-11-09 13:20

10 great reasons to unleash your inner chicken farmer!

Buff RedsBuff Reds

No farm is really a farm without a few hens scratching through loose hay in the yard and the iconic rooster crowing to the sunrise upon his picket-fence pedestal… It just wouldn’t be right! Although most farms are a far cry from what they used to be (you only need to type CAFO or chicken farm into Google to confirm this), the chicken still does, and has always represented the quintessential farm. There is something simple, sunny and inviting about chickens wandering a property in search of something tasty. But chickens need not be a feature of faraway farmlands and way-out rural regions - the urban chicken has earned its rightful place within the city limits of many capitals around the world.

So why are chickens such good urban companions, and why should we keep them in suburbia? Here are 10 great reasons!

your street cape town winners

Submitted by incoming on Tue, 2011-11-08 14:58

Let Us Grow, A Your Street CT WinnerLet Us Grow, A Your Street CT WinnerLast week the Your Street seven finalists were invited to present their proposals on how to enhance an aspect of city life using design to the jury that included representatives from Design Indaba, the local design sector as well as from the City of Cape Town.

Here are the four winners of the Your Street Cape Town Challenge, sharing between them R250 000 to implement their proposals.

Acre Road, Kensington: A community-based design solution to improve the lives of the Acre Road community using low-cost facilities to cater for positive community activities. R100 000: Lorena Pasquini, Caitlynne Francis, Mark Henning and Hannah Williams.

Violet’s Walk: A clearly marked