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communitytime for another visit to the labia
Submitted by turbosprout on Mon, 2007-05-28 12:36
The independent Labia cinema in Cape Town widely known for its arthouse screenings also shows thought provoking documentaries from time to time. These screenings are facilitated by groups like While You Were Sleeping and Safeage and there can be some lively debate afterwards as part of an audience discussion. The first documentary screening I went to was The Future of Food and the participation afterwards really added to my appreciation of the movie. I saw An Inconvenient Truth at the Cinema Nouveau and it was a pity this forum for debate at the end was not available (instead I got into a discussion with another movie goer over global warming during a visit to the bathroom afterwards). So if you're in Cape Town don't miss the chance to see The Power of Community: How Cuba Survived Peak Oil which is being organised by ... march against alcan in pe
Submitted by turbosprout on Fri, 2007-05-25 11:27
If you're in Port Elizabeth and reading this then please join a peaceful action against Alcan/Coega later this afternoon to hand out informative pamphlets to the public. The organisers believe that Alcan has had a huge negative global impact and they're protesting against them setting up in the PE Metro. You can read the press release over on and also check out NiMBLE - Nelson Mandela Bay Local Environmentalists. For more reading on Alcan see The Antidote eco-village won't see light of day
Submitted by turbosprout on Fri, 2007-03-02 12:30
The hostile reaction of Pringle Bay ratepayers to a progressive eco-village development means the plans will be shelved. Another example of NIMBYism (not in my backyard) by local residents ensures the self-sufficient eco-village on the banks of the Buffels River will not see light of day. The development would have consisted of 79 "off-grid" houses using their own rainwater, solar power and gas instead of the muncipal supplied services. The proposed village would also have had its own sewerage system. The residents, citing "environmental" concerns for their opposition of the plans, are delighted with their victory over the "developers". So where is the "environmental" justice? Upmarket golf course development draining millions of litres from the water table daily = GOOD (it pushes our property prices even further into the stratosphere). Eco-village promoting responsible land use, minimum ecological footprint, renewable energy etc. = BAD?
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just how green is the green point common association’s objection?
Submitted by sproutingforth on Thu, 2006-12-14 12:59
Tuning in this morning to SA FM’s Morning Talk, with Xolani Gwala, was something of an eye-opener as the heated debate around Green Point’s stadium and the 2010 World Cup was put to the people. Up until this morning I was aware that the Green Point common was a bone of contention and that the common’s association is threatening to go to court with their objection to the development of a larger stadium in this green belt. The Green Point Common Coalition or Association is fighting to keep the common a green belt for environmental reasons – they believe that a city such as Cape Town needs parks and treed recreational open spaces, particularly in the light of intense urbanisation – their main argument seems to be that this area isn't zoned for an 11 storey construction.
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