green news and opinion, and an organic eco directory that focuses on organic and eco-friendly products.
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farmers . growers . producersEarthshineEarthShine exists to provide you with great information on living a holistic, organic, integrated and joyful life! We provide easy and fun information on growing fresh organic foods right at home. Permaculture design and ethics are used... Eureka MillsWho would farm with old methods of crop rotation and gentle aerating of the soil? Who would start a slower grinding stone mill? Who would bake in a stone oven to make bread in the slow time-honoured manner to extract maximum benefit out of the... Springreen WheatgrassAt Springreen we grow and supply high quality ready-to-juice wheatgrass for culinary, health and juicing purposes. Our grass is grown naturally, without any artificial or chemical additives. We are proudly an eco–conscious company - we recycle... Peas on EarthPeas on Earth is a small company based on a small-holding in the Eastern Cape where we grow organic vegetables, herbs and fruit, in addition to providing a home for a growing number of pets and farm animals. We also have a small trading store... Aloe DaleAt Aloe Dale in Midrand we grow vegetables, herbs and fruit organically. We have free-range chicken and quail eggs available and produce dried herbs and spices to order. Boschveld EggsBoschveld, situated in the bushveld at Bela-Bela, Limpopo, supplies indigenous free range eggs to Gauteng and beyond. The chickens are fed a 100% vegetarian diet with no added hormones or colorants. The eggs are collected by hand daily from the... Jacklin OrganicJacklin Organic is an eco-friendly organic farm near Badplaas, Mpumalanga, offering certified organic fresh produce, dried products, sauces & condiments and compost. Certified organic food:
Wrigley WormsEverything you need to know about organic recycling by farming with earthworms. Create your own compost... learn how to dispose of your kitchen waste...and of course how to farm in your own garden! Wormery Store / Information Centre to... The Great Chilli FarmThe Great Chilli Farm website offers chilli recipes and information as well as products for sale - chilli seeds and starter kits, hot pepper sauces and a range of Just Eat It clothing and caps.
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Green Mountain Eco RouteThe Green Mountain Eco Route in the Western Cape includes wine farms, activities, accommodation, restaurants, events and wedding or conference venues. It exposes visitors to both the wine and the biodiversity experience of each participating... |