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turbosprout's blogawesome permaculture poster series by afristar
Submitted by turbosprout on Wed, 2011-05-11 11:48
The posters cover key permaculture concepts or techniques, from making compost, keeping worms, recycling greywater et. al to talking stick circles! The illustration is superbly detailed, eye catching yet conveys the message simply - a picture tells a thousand words. The posters are free to social welfare and educational organisations, otherwise they cost R 60 each incl postage. The planting calendars are available in a laminated retail version for R 80 incl postage. Check out the entire set of posters on or . Here is the list of posters available (comments by urban sprout). Contact Afristar for more details. Companion planting
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responsible tourism (rt) conference encourages sa to think big
Submitted by turbosprout on Mon, 2011-05-09 14:17
I tuned in for a few of the sessions and found Ron Mader's presentation, Why We Suck @ Collaboration, especially worthwhile. Ron is based in Oaxaca, Mexico and started a responsible tourism website - - back in 1994. Ron Mader visited SA to be part of Friday's Responsible Tourism in Cities mini conference. In his talk Ron provided some examples of FAILed collaboration - with accompanying images of 100 ideas for creating a more peaceful world
Submitted by turbosprout on Wed, 2011-04-27 15:41
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happy earth day!
Submitted by turbosprout on Fri, 2011-04-22 09:57
Last year we noted the Earth Day Network's Billion Acts of Green initiative and this year the call is the same: make a personal commitment to sustainability. We've already celebrated Earth Hour and we have World Environment Day and Arbor Day to look forward to. If we make one new lifestyle change or commitment to an environmental practice on each celebrated occasion we'll quickly be living much greener lives. 22 Apr 2011 happens to also fall on Good Friday, so for a change we're not in the office, and could use the occasion to enjoy some quality time with our families and reflect on how we can improve things for ourselves and the earth. Ideas for this Earth Day green office week: top tips for greening your office
Submitted by turbosprout on Tue, 2011-04-19 12:03
Focus days Mon 18 - Make it happen Monday Tue 19 - Choosy Tuesday Wed 20 - Wattage Wednesday Thurs 21 - Thoughtful Thursday Great office greening resources The Green Office Week website has a really good, concise 8-page Green Office Action Plan (GOAP) download (355 Kb PDF) which has many tips and ideas spanning seven areas: Paper, Energy, Water, Green Purchasing, Waste, Carbon Footprint, Green Events. There is also a download by GOW outling the aims, simple tips for each day, getting buy-in from co-workers, and info for the boss. In keeping with the focus days, here are urban sprouts top tips for Green Office Week for Printing, Office Supplies, Energy and Technology. Printing (or not) Rethink
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fukushima disaster reiterates nukes are not green
Submitted by turbosprout on Mon, 2011-03-14 14:28
That 53 nuclear reactors were constructed on an island with a history of seismic activity will probably stun and amaze our grandchildren. The Darwin awards provide many testaments to human stupidity, but who are the real fools for letting politicians gamble away our future by allowing the construction of nuclear "facilities"? A sobering thought to think that Milnerton, the centre of it's own seismic event in 1809 is a mere 12 km away from Koeberg. There are three operating nuclear "facilities" (pending disasters: de-pending on timescale for them to become disasterous) near the epicentre of the Sendai Earthquake (Japan's worst earthquake, and apparently of the five most powerful in the world since modern records began in 1900):
Together, these three plants with their 13 reactors, have a capacity of 10 298M MW (nearly a quarter of SA's total electricity capacity). Koeberg by comparison has a capacity of 1800 MW). cat mint: ecstasy for cats
Submitted by turbosprout on Thu, 2011-03-10 11:39
Is this stuff legal for cats? Should there be any limit to the amount we give her? She's going crazy for it. Too late. The Cat Mint is gone it's been totally ravaged, plucked from the pot it was bought in, nibbled, chewed and digested. She looks fine but is behaving weirdly... eyes have a far off gaze, rolling on her back, licking my fingers... The Catnip wikipedia article makes interesting reading:
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10 things you never knew about the 2011 budget
Submitted by turbosprout on Thu, 2011-02-24 16:08
Huh?! So the money intended for renewable energy projects will be used to fix the potholes created by coal fired energy! The irony is going to kill me... Another example of full cost accounting not being factored in to the price of dirty coal electricity - the cost doesn't include the cost of dirty air, the cost of treating lung diseases, or... the cost of repairing potholed roads. For that, thank you Eskom and your complicit big business users, the tax payer will foot the bill!! 2. A carbon tax is now firmly on the table 3. An energy-efficiency institute will be established using money from the world cup
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) online calculator launched (and reviewed)
Submitted by turbosprout on Thu, 2011-01-27 14:19
Online calculators of the carbon variety have been around for quite a while and vary in their suitability to the SA energy scenario and ease of use. It seems like quite a tricky piece of software to nail down properly and I still think there is room for SA's carbon calculators to improve. That said, the calculator is a bit different to a carbon calculator. It measures how much electricity you can save by calculating the energy expenditure of your old high-consumption lighting and
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vote in public eye awards to expose corporate offences
Submitted by turbosprout on Fri, 2011-01-21 13:23
Organized since 2000 by Berne Declaration and Friends of the Earth (in 2009 they were replaced by Greenpeace), Public Eye reminds the corporate world that social and environmental misdeeds have consequences - for the affected people and territory, but also for the reputation of the offender. Whether exploitative working conditions, environmental degradation, intentional disinformation, or other disregards of corporate social responsibility: the most evil offenses appear on the shortlist of the Public Eye Awards 2011. Top offenders this year include South African mining house AngloGold Ashanti, here is the list of the perps to be named and shamed. |