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a billion acts of green for earth day
Submitted by MichaelE on Thu, 2010-04-22 14:15
Forty years ago there was a green movement that some predicted would outnumber the Vietnam protests and they were right, it is now an international day that is observed all over the world. Now, every year April 22nd is celebrated as Earth Day. Under the slogan "a billion acts of green" on the Earth day website, ordinary people are pledging what they plan to do to make a difference. Some are good sincere ideas and we can take a leaf out of their books, others are a little more half-hearted, but they are trying. If all these people manage to stick to their pledges then we really will make a difference to the planet. Here in South Africa, we do not take much notice of Earth Day, preferring to celebrate World Environment Day, which is held in June. However, we need to take note of any green celebration, especially one this big,as shouldn't every day should be earth day? What can we do as individuals every day that will help our environment and conserve biodiversity? Earth Day grew out of a suggestion by American Senator Gaylord Nelson when he gave a speech which included the idea for a “teach in” focused on the environment for schools. Senator Nelson hoped that he could start a grassroots movement that would show politicians how dissatisfied people were and invited US citizens to participate. There was a spontaneous response across the continent, and 20 million demonstrators and thousands of schools and local communities participated. This was an unprecedented civil movement resulted in the emergence of Earth Day as a massive annual international event. The Earth Day Network, who promote Earth day 2010 say that Earth Day can be “a turning point to advance climate policy, energy efficiency, renewable energy and green jobs.” The major theme of Earth Day 2010 is “a billion acts of green” and the Earth Day Network is asking people to make personal commitments to sustainability and write these on their website. The Earth Day Network states that “more than one billion people in 190 countries are taking action for Earth Day, making it the largest secular event in the world.” If we follow their example and all do our bit we can make a difference in our contribution to climate change. Some Earth Day events planned in South Africa FLOW (For Love of Water) are running an initiative for Earth Day. They want people to make a pledge to use water more wisely saying that "I promise to respect water as the source of life, to be mindful of how I use water and to preserve water sources". You can go and make your pledge on their website. 500 Trees For Homes For Residents Of Olievenhoutbosh on Earth Day 2010 Audi SA has agreed to plant around 8 000 trees for indigent residents of South Africa’s townships every year for four years. This commenced in 2008/9 with the distribution of 9500 trees to the residents in Ekurhuleni. More Trees for Observatory Primary School on Earth Day 2010 20 trees will be planted at Observatory Primary School in Clifton Terrace in Observatory, a northern suburb of Cape Town in the Western Cape of South Africa, sponsored by Samgro Nursery and Cape Talk radio on Earth Day 2010. Food & Trees for Africa has been supporting the development of a food garden along with climate change and environmental education and awareness at this school with support from sponsors such as these. More Ogilvy Zoom Plant Carbon offset Trees for Homes in Mfuleni Ad agency Ogilvy Zoom was the first advertising agency in South Africa to calculate and offset their carbon footprint. Working with Food & Trees for Africa Ogilvy Zoom has again calculated their footprint and their annual carbon offset event will be taking place on the 23rd April in Mfuleni, a relatively new township about 40 kilometres from Cape Town, South Africa. A total of 350 Trees for Homes will be distributed to 350 residents on the 23rd April to celebrate Earth Day. More Western Cape School Plants a Guild of Trees on Earth Day 2010 On 23rd of April, for Earth Day 2010, FTFA will plant fruit trees as part of a guild in designed areas behind four classrooms. Each class is going to take responsibility of their area - guilds. This is part of a Permaculture food garden being developed at this school with funding from Absa Bank. So lets use today to reaffirm our commitments to greening our lives and help reverse climate change by participating in a billion acts of green each and everyday.
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