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awesome permaculture poster series by afristar
Submitted by turbosprout on Wed, 2011-05-11 11:48
The posters cover key permaculture concepts or techniques, from making compost, keeping worms, recycling greywater et. al to talking stick circles! The illustration is superbly detailed, eye catching yet conveys the message simply - a picture tells a thousand words. The posters are free to social welfare and educational organisations, otherwise they cost R 60 each incl postage. The planting calendars are available in a laminated retail version for R 80 incl postage. Check out the entire set of posters on or . Here is the list of posters available (comments by urban sprout). Contact Afristar for more details. Companion planting Recycling Greywater Making compost Permaculture Guilds Planting a tree Social Permaculture: Talking Stick Circle Summer Rainfall and Winter Rainfall planting calendars Permaculture Water Principles Worm Farms Permaculture Zones Liquid Manure Making an A-frame
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