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pledge to reduce your carbon footprint
Submitted by sproutingforth on Wed, 2009-10-28 10:28
Do you even know what your carbon footprint is? We last calculated our household carbon footprint using the CAP (Climate Action Partnership) calculator in April 2008. Then our total tons of CO2e (equivalent) emitted by our household per year was 10.37 tons (roughly 3.46 tons of CO2e each). The South African average per capita footprint was 9.3 tons... Their calculator measures your electricity, transport, flights and waste, although this isn't a complete picture as they've now upgraded their calculator to include wood burning and braaing. Find more calculators in our article climate change – what can I do? Project 90x2030, one of the few NGOs really doing something about mitigating carbon emissions amongst South Africans (their vision is that South Africans from all sectors of society will do their bit to preserve the environment and commit to change the way they live by 90% by the year 2030), as part of their Climate Challenge 2009, involving a 3 000 km bike ride to raise awareness - is inviting you to pledge to take the necessary action to tackle climate change. It's a wonderful pledge, and it involves a real commitment from each of us:
I have signed this pledge because I am convinced that we must act quickly and decisively to change the way we live and to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions dramatically if we are to have a realistic chance of avoiding catastrophic impacts on humanity and all other life on earth. The scientific evidence is incontrovertible. I pledge that from today onwards I will:
1.consciously change any of my attitudes, values and actions that contribute to climate change;
2.prioritise reducing my contribution to greenhouse gas emissions as quickly as possible; 3.raise awareness of climate change and the need to change the way we live; calls to governments to urgently commit to emission reduction targets, provide incentives for renewable energy development and implement measures that protect the most vulnerable from the repercussions of climate change; and calls on business leaders to reduce industrial emissions boldly, invest in renewable energy development and make the switch to a low carbon economy. sign the pledge here (Go on, dare to change!)
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