eco toilets . compost toilets

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We introduced in 1983 the concept of Waterless and Odourless Urinals into South Africa.

In 2002, we patented a new system, which will revolutionize the Waterless & Odourless Urinal industry world wide!

Save and manage water and...

Hydro Dynamics

We provide rainwater tanks, reservoirs and other quality products for water conservation and storage.

We are passionate about water conservation and feel that it is essential for everyone to be educated about the need to save water and the...

The Enviro Loo

A non-flush, dry sanitation toilet designed for the benefit of all communities.

The system doesn't use water or chemicals; it is completely odourless and there is no effluent seepage into underground water reserves.

It poses no risk...

Mvula Trust

Mvula Trust, South Africa's largest water and sanitation NGO, seeks to improve the well-being of rural and peri-urban communities by increasing access to safe, sustainable water and sanitation services.

The Trust tests cost-effective...