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new award announced for sustainable transportation entrepreneurs
Submitted by Green Lily on Tue, 2012-03-20 16:06
Is your New Mobility project moving minds as well as people? Then enter the SMART Mobility EnterPrize competition and you could find yourself moving in new mobility circles at Rio+20, and beyond. New Mobility – also known as ‘sustainable transportation’ – is about moving people, moving goods, and moving less, in ways that are cleaner, greener, safer, healthier, and more equitable (and more ‘hip’, of course…). The purpose of the SMART Mobility EnterPrize competition is to identify existing and emerging New Mobility business models and innovative transport approaches that benefit the urban poor; recognise enterprises that demonstrate innovative and replicable solutions to local and global transportation challenges; and explore paths for scaling up these models. The SMART Mobility EnterPrize was conceived and developed by the University of Michigan SMART initiative and its local and international partners, with the generous support of the Rockefeller Foundation. It is part of a SMART’s wider ‘Catalyzing the New Mobility in Cities’ project. So if you are an entrepreneur with a venture that advances New Mobility, visit and apply online. The deadline is 1 April 2012. Your entry will need to be able to answer the following questions, and more:
Three prizes include: