Permaculture South Africa

Hazel Mugford
physical addressPrince Alfred’s Pass, 55km from Knysna

Permaculture South Africa combines a learning center, with ongoing projects all around South Africa. The internationally recognized Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) courses as well as several other courses developed to empower and up-skill students are held regularly at a range of venues.

Our goal is to advance organic growing, while continuing to strive toward a sustainable future. Permaculture South Africa takes pride in the projects we have undertaken outside the classroom. Many of our clients. and former students have moved on to develop small holdings, farms, and urban gardens based on the Ethics and Principles of Permaculture.

Permaculture is an ethical approach to designing land use and community systems, to provide food, ecological habitats, and other essentials needed for human survival.
The term ‘Permaculture’ comes from the words ‘PERMAnent and agriCULTURE; and implies the permanence of culture. The term was first devised in 1978 by Bill Mollison (An Australian ecologist) and co-originator David Holmgren.

The Permaculture ethics are at the centre of Permaculture philosophy and are broad guidelines of how we should behave towards the earth and towards each other.

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