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world naked bike ride - fri 13th march 2009
Submitted by turbosprout on Wed, 2009-01-14 17:38
Take a look at if you're game. I don't think there's been a successful, large Naked Bike ride on public roads in SA yet. If memory serves the one that was supposed to happen in CT in June 2007 was cancelled due to general confusion. So here's a great chance for some organiser to make history (and get your pic in Die Son). Here's a recent communique from the international organisers: Ladies and Gentlemen, Behold! The Most Fun You Can Have Naked! The World Naked Bike Ride has become an international sensation that has spread to 73 cities around the world. This year we will be making the event bigger, louder, and with 75% more paint and feathers than ever before. Imagine, the streets of your fine city teeming with cyclists of all ages filling the downtown core curb to curb! Look here a common conversation along the Naked Ride route: "Excuse me sir, is that a carbon credit in your back pocket?" Our goal this year is 200 cities. So if you or anybody you know is interested in organizing a ride please send us an email and our veteran nude riders will help you with the promotion of your local ride. The Southern Hemispere ride is March 13th, 2009. So soon! The Northern Hemisphere ride so far looks split on June 6th, 2009 and One of the questions that we get every year is: "Isn't that illegal? Won't we all get arrested?" However there are still cities in the world were there are legal risks associated with the event. And after 5 years we have learned how do deal with them. If the the clothing swathed, auto driving authorities threaten your ride: 1) Invite the media. The police do not want to be seen on national television arresting colorful, peaceful naked people. Is all media attention good attention? For us, yes. For them, no. 2) Make the ride as big as possible. The bigger the ride, the less likely the police will interfere. 3) Grab socks and duct tape. Here is a photo of a rider in Vancouver after the police insisted the cyclists wear underwear. Bottoms up!
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