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world egg day under the spotlight - sign a petition
Submitted by sproutingforth on Thu, 2009-10-08 10:39
”Celebrate World Egg Day with eggstra-special savings on Woolworths large free range eggs. Buy 12, get 6 free until 25 Oct.”
This morning we received a further press release from Compassion in World Farming SA (read on to sign their petitions), to let us know they are staging a demonstration this Friday, World Egg Day, at Jameson Plaza, UCT Main Campus between 12.30 -1.30pm. “Women dressed in egg-yolk yellow swimsuits will spend their lunch hour inside cages, holding egg shaped placards, calling for an end to battery eggs in SA. 50% of eggs in the UK are currently free range, and in 2012 EU legislation will ban battery cages for egg laying hens, meanwhile....only 3% of eggs in South Africa are free range. Why is this? Use your consumer power and stop battery farming in South Africa! Sign the following two petitions: To ALL supermarkets - asking them to STOP battery eggs. For Woolworths customers - to Woolworths Top Management - asking them to live up to their signs, and stop using battery eggs in their food.
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