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wild olive farm offers 12-day permaculture course
Submitted by sproutingforth on Tue, 2010-09-07 10:52
Hazel's farm is a hugely popular lunch and breakfast venue, not least because she grows most of the vegetables and salads that she uses in her meals on her farm according to the principles of permaculture. She is, as you will soon find out, intensely enthusiastic about permaculture and it is no surprise that she is now offering a 12 day Permaculture Design Course - starting on 18 October 2010. It's a particularly special course as not only has she got Avice Hindmarch, a permaculture farmer and teacher who needs little introduction to those who follow the permaculture movement in South Africa, on board, but on completion of the course you will graduate as a certified Permaculture Design Trainee with a Permaculture Design Course (PDC) certificate. What this means is that after a further two years work in the field, during which time you can practice as Permaculture Designers and develop a body of work, you will officially be certified as a Permaculture Designer. The course, facilitated by Avice Hindmarsh and Hazel Mugford, includes the topics of: ethics of sustainability, principles of permaculture, water harvesting, chickens, earthworms, cows, alternative energy, eco building designs and much more During the course you will stay on the farm and get to see permaculture in action. You will also get to eat some pretty scrumptious meals, prepared by Hazel and her team at the Farm Kitchen. And Joseph the donkey and Oscar the horse (who likes carrots and apples) will become such a part of your routine, that you'll be sorry to leave after your 12 days are up. To find out more about the course
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