Tlholego Ecovillage

postal addressPO Box 1668, Rustenburg, 0300

The Tlholego Ecovillage is on 150ha of land near Rustenburg in the Northwest Province, and was established in 1991 to address the challenge of rural sustainable development. Over 3,000 people have visited Tlholego in order to be exposed to and find inspiration for ecological approaches to sustainability.

Your stay at Tlholego will be both a a relaxing break in these peaceful surroundings, and an opportunity to experience "real African" rural living. You can create your own schedule, or take advantage of tours and activities offered by community members to school groups, universities, interested organizations, and individuals.

You will be warmly welcomed at Tlholego by community members who provide organic food from the community gardens, cooked outdoors in local style. The lodging facilities include beautifully designed structures that incorporate elements of traditional African architecture and sustainable housing design.