the department of energy trying to dupe us on IRP2?

Submitted by MichaelE on Wed, 2010-04-21 16:20

The Department of Energy has finally issued the invitation for the much touted “broad consultation process” concerning its “IRP2” – basically the electricity / energy plan for this country for the next 20 years, with many plans for nuclear power – a day BEFORE their deadline.

By the time we at urban sprout got this e mail, the deadline had passed! This invitation was e-mailed to us this morning, but that will not deter us from registering as stakeholders yet again to voice our opposition and reasons for opposition to the proposed inclusion of nuclear in the proposed energy mix for South Africa. You can also e-mail to register and make your presence known.

For those who don’t know much about IRP2, there are weblinks to articles on the IRP2 listed below to fill you in. But please ensure you register on the database of stakeholders ASAP for the pattern of recent times has shown that leaving it up to the next person or organisation, results in government turning its back on enlightened views to the detriment of this country’s future.

Your submission may be late, but still sign up, as it will send a message to the Department of Energy that this is unacceptable.

“The last IRP process came under fire after a brief three-page document, widely criticised by industry experts, business and civil society, was rushed through on the last day of the year and published in the Government Gazette.

The government intends to publish the new IRP (or IRP2), which is intended to underpin the country's electricity plans, later this year. But observers say the process will have to be transparent if the government wants access to World Bank funding.

There are further concerns that the Energy Department does not have the capacity to develop such a plan and has effectively had to outsource it. Individuals appointed to the team have been required to sign non-disclosure agreements.”
[Mail and Guardian]

Over the past number of years the Coalition Against Nuclear Energy have relentlessly participated in all processes – EIAs, submissions to government or Parliament, presentations to energy regulators and policy makers, public hearings on energy policy etc only to find that pre-determined policies are riding rough-shod over democratic processes.

Their petitions to the Speaker for Parliamentary debate over energy mix and nuclear policy have remained unheeded and indeed legislation enabling this energy option has been Gazetted in spite of this.

More recently the Energy Minister held a “nuclear stakeholders’” meeting in Cape Town to which she invited only ONE PERSON to represent the growing thousands of people in this country opposed to nuclear expansion while renewable alternative solutions remain the Cinderella option. Needless to say, his objections were dismissed and he was kicked out of the meeting.

You cannot allow the government to continue to be dismissive of whom it consults & recognise as stakeholders. Indeed the entire South African public is the biggest stakeholder!!

YOUR VOICE COUNTS. Please register! Help to drive the message that WE DO NOT WANT NUCLEAR ENERGY IN SOUTH AFRICA!

Herewith the invitation:

The Department of Energy hereby calls on all interested parties to register on its database of stakeholders for inclusion in the consultation process for the development of the IRP2 for Electricity 2010.

All interested residents, businesses, groups and sectors are requested to:

1. Indicate their institution;
2.Core business;
3.Area of interest in the IRP;
4. Preliminary position in their areas of interest; and
5.Contact person/s and contact details

Interested parties are requested to submit the above-mentioned information to the office of the Director-General by the 20th April 2010 – and this release was released on the 19th of April.

Such information may be faxed, emailed or posted.
Contact Person:
Ms Yolisa Mapekula
Department of Energy
Private Bag X 19

Some reading matter on the IRP2 and why your involvement is so important:

Cloud over power plan -Mar 19 2010

Energy Department to publish IRP2 by June

Inter-Ministerial Committee gives nod to IRP2 consultation plan - 31 March 2010

Minister reassures business IRP2 will include broad consultation
April 7, 2010

SA outlines consultation process for 20-year energy plan

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