Sunstove Organization

Margaret Bennet
postal addressPO Box 21960, Crystal Park, Benoni, 1515

The Sunstove Organization is a non-profit group devoted to the dissemination of information to improve the quality of life of the poor. The site is a source for information relating to clean water and solar cooking systems for rural communities worldwide. Our mission is to provide the fundamental information and drawings to facilitate improving the safety and cleanliness of the basic elements of any family's existence: food and water.

In underdeveloped countries and other rural communities, the only resources commonly available are natural: sun, gravity, the labour of the people in the community, rudimentary materials native to the area, and the occasional spring for water. Using our low-cost systems, people around the world can take crucial steps to dramatically clean their water and food supplies.

The "Solar Cooking" section provides in-depth information, drawings, and photographs on how to mass-produce solar cookers by hand, with local materials, purchased with local currency.

The "Water Systems" section includes detailed bulletins and diagrams on how to begin collecting and storing clean water. This section also includes instructions for capping and storing spring water, a "Gravity Water System" plus links for securing information on "Collecting Water from Fog," and "Drilling a Water Well."