Stegi eco nappy

postal addressPO Box 44747, Claremont, Cape Town, 7735

Stegi eco nappy - 100% caring - by converting to cotton nappies, you will be playing your part in protecting the environment.

Disposable nappies are not biodegradable and since they are so widely used, contribute significantly to filling landfill sites. Over time, the contents of these landfill sites form toxic waste products that, should the landfill leak, pollute our groundwater. Landfill leakages are not as rare as we think, and some countries have started incentivising mothers to start using cotton nappies purely for this purpose - to manage waste volumes and pollution.

Stegi now has a body care range!

We have a Hypo Lotion, Hypo Wash, Disinfectant spray for dummies, Massage Oil, Bum Balm, organic and Biodegradable wipes, and Biodegradable liners.

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