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Ravensmead Muncipal Waste Drop-off Site

Household or garden waste can be dropped off at any of the City of Cape Town's 20 drop-off facilities. Up to 1 300 kg of non-hazardous waste may be disposed at any of these sites at no cost. Green garden waste is then chipped and composted, while...

Macassar Muncipal Waste Drop-off Site

Household or garden waste can be dropped off at any of the City of Cape Town's 20 drop-off facilities. Up to 1 300 kg of non-hazardous waste may be disposed at any of these sites at no cost. Green garden waste is then chipped and composted, while...


A recycling drop off point for garden refuse and builders rubble.

De Grendel Muncipal Waste Drop-off Site

Household or garden waste can be dropped off at any of the City of Cape Town's 20 drop-off facilities. Up to 1 300 kg of non-hazardous waste may be disposed at any of these sites at no cost. Green garden waste is then chipped and composted, while...

Belhar Muncipal Waste Drop-off Site

Household or garden waste can be dropped off at any of the City of Cape Town's 20 drop-off facilities. Up to 1 300 kg of non-hazardous waste may be disposed at any of these sites at no cost. Green garden waste is then chipped and composted, while...

Atlantis Muncipal Waste Drop-off Site

Household or garden waste can be dropped off at any of the City of Cape Town's 20 drop-off facilities. Up to 1 300 kg of non-hazardous waste may be disposed at any of these sites at no cost. Green garden waste is then chipped and composted, while...

Avon Environmental Recycling

A recycling collection service for the whole Cape area.

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