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raising the temperature of the climate debate
Submitted by sproutingforth on Mon, 2009-10-12 09:41
"The idea behind this is that we've been through three party political conferences but when you look at what needs to happen in terms of building a low carbon economy, creating green jobs and helping to save the world from climate change, the fact is that George Osborne didn't spend one word talking about it and Alistair Darling spent just one sentence. "This should be at the core of what they are talking about. If we want to get people back to work and fill new industries that can be competitive and solve the problems of climate change the political parties have got to get on message not just in terms of their words but also with their deeds." By 9pm, 17 of the activists had come off the roof, but were detained by police. It was a rather embarassing breach of Westminster security that protesters managed to take but ten miniutes to slide ladders through the railings surrounding the building and then climb on to one of the lower roofs. They then unfurled bright yellow banners reading: 'Change the politics; save the climate'. A further five 'hard core' climbers reached the top of the building, hanging a massive banner seemingly from the face of Big Ben itself. Their intention was to remain there until the start of business this morning. Good for them! High profile demonstrations such as these will hopefully get the attention they deserve...
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