last chance for public to comment on new nuclear facility at koeberg

Submitted by MichaelE on Mon, 2010-04-19 12:10

Koeberg nuclear stationKoeberg nuclear station
koeberg is one of the proposed sites for the new nuclear power station Eskom plans to build. The last chance for the public to voice their opinions will be on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday evenings, as part of the Environmental Impact Assessment process. All residents of Cape Town are urged to attend at least one of these public meetings.

A nuclear power plant involves dangers to the public and the environment, and for this reason, the Koeberg Alert Alliance is opposed to any further nuclear development at Koeberg. There will be a desk outside the venues from 4.30pm on each day, as listed below, where we will answer questions about the Environmental Impact Assessment process, nuclear power in general, and our concerns about the specific possible dangers of a new nuclear plant. The EIA Team will be available at the venues listed below from 5pm to answer individual questions that the public may have on the Report.

The dates and venues are as follows:

Cape Town
Mon 19 April 2010, 6pm
Vineyard Hotel, Newlands

Tues 20 April 2010, 6pm
Atlantic Beach Golf Club

Wed 21 April 2010, 6pm
Thusong Community Centre

The EIA Team will be available at the venues listed above from 5pm to answer individual questions that the public may have on the Report.

For further information contact
Peter Becker
Chair, Koeberg Alert Alliance
083 4442083

Nuclear issues have been in the forefront of the press this last month with several strategic moves by the United States.

Earlier this month, President Obama and President Medvedev of Russia signed a new treaty on nuclear arms control, they signed an arms control treaty and presented a largely united front against Iran’s nuclear program. This was followed by the Nuclear Summit in Washington, on the 12th and 13th of April, which was attended by 47 leaders from all over the world. They discussed the ways and means of how to secure all weapons-useable nuclear material within four years, as well as how to eliminate the possibility of terrorists buying or stealing a nuclear weapon.

Experts have been pleading with governments to disarm or risk disaster, but politicians have cited the lack of a public movement on this issue. This means that some actions are not being taken due to a perceived lack of public support. In light of this the petition for "global zero" nuclear weapons was started which was handed to leaders at the summit on nuclear weapons held in Washington.

This is the chance for members of the public to make their voices heard if they do not want to have a new nuclear power station built at Koeberg.

You can read our article about the dangers of nuclear power here.

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