Josephine Mill Shop

physical addressJosephine Mill, 13 Boundary Road, Newlands, Cape Town

At the Mill Shop we are committed to providing wholesome natural and organic products available to our visitors and the local community – just like in the good old days when you could pop down to the local baker to purchase a sack of flour and a loaf of freshly baked bread.

Our flagship product, our own stone ground flour only available on the premises, sets the standard for all the delicious goodness you will find on our well-stocked shelves.

You’ll also find a range of wholesome freshly baked breads, delicious and beautifully packaged homemade jams and condiments, baking utensils, and a variety of books and publications at the shop.

We believe that local is better, and encourage sensible packaging wherever possible. We use artisan bakers, source interesting local ingredients, and are mindful of our production processes.