Imagine Durban

Thomas Ferreira
postal addressP.O. Box 1014 , Durban, 4000

Imagine Durban is a council-led project on integrated, long-term planning. It is being implemented in conjunction with Sustainable Cities, an NGO from Vancouver, Canada and the PLUS Network (a network of 35 cities sharing experiences in sustainability planning) who have received funding from the Canadian International Development Agency to support the project.

Imagine Durban is a process about mobilizing each of us (from government to non-government, civil society organizations, faith based groups, tertiary institutions, business organizations and ordinary folk) to imagine where we want to be in the future. It is also about realizing that the choices we make today will affect our children and grandchildren tomorrow. So if we are committed to handing down a safe, healthy and prosperous world to future generations, we need to make the right decisions today. Of course the best way to make the right choice is to make an informed choice, and this is where the ideas and the knowledge of the people of Durban come in.