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green your solar water heating
Submitted by sproutingforth on Fri, 2008-05-16 12:11
Everyone’s talking solar, which is no real surprise given the power crisis. It isn’t just a national crisis however but part of a far wider reaching global energy ‘over indulgence’ in dirty, non-renewable energy. Whatever the reason for reading this – whether it’s that you want to take advantage of Eskom’s solar water heating incentive programme, or that you want to live a greener life - there is an urgent need to shift to renewable, non-polluting energy sources, like the sun, to provide our energy needs. The difference between solar water heating and solar photovoltaics Solar water heating Solar water heaters are not just a sound idea economically; they’re also really environmentally friendly and provide heating even in cloudy weather. In a basic direct (open circuit) solar water heating system flat panels with internal water pipes and a transparent cover are attached to your roof, onto which the sun shines. This heats the water in the pipes, which then rises to the hot water cylinder – usually just above your panel or inside your roof – which then gives you hot water from your taps. Things get a bit tricky if you live in an area prone to frost and you may need an indirect (closed circuit) system to prevent water from freezing in the pipes. Closed circuit systems rely on a freeze resistant fluid to transfer the heat from the panels containing the pipes to the hot water cyclinder. Further information on how solar water heating works $$$$RRR Where can I find suppliers of solar water heating? Eskom’s accredited suppliers of solar water heaters The country’s push to use solar water heaters The South African Government has set a target for renewable energy to contribute 10 000 gigawatt hours (GWh) of final energy consumption by 2013. Research completed by the Department of Minerals and Energy estimates that solar water heating could contribute up to 23% of this target. Eskom’s incentivised roll out What do I need to look out for when buying a solar water heater? Your system has to be registered with Eskom and the minimum guarantee for suppliers on this programme is 5 years. You should end up with a guarantee certificate in your hands, and a CoC (electrical certificate of compliance) for installing your solar water heater. The list of accredited participating suppliers of solar water heaters Homemade solar water heating systems If R20 000 is too much for you to spend right now, get creative like this man in China, who recently made a solar water heater using beer bottles and hoses. His ingenious contraption involves beer bottles lined up on a board in rows, all connected by hoses, which allows cold water to flow through them and be heated by the sun. [dailytimes] Read our other green guides, including green your electricity and green your heating and cooling.
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