Green Home Products Pty (Ltd)

physical addressUnit 24 Plantation Centre, Plantation Road , Ottery, Cape Town , 7800
postal address93 Oxford Road, Kensington , Gauteng, 2024

Green Home Biodegradable Food Packaging

Green Home is a biodegradable food packaging supplier. We offer a comprehensive range of plates, cups, bowls, knives, forks, bags, deli wraps etc. All of our products are made from natural and renewable resources and are 100% biodegradable after use. Our food packaging is made from renewable plant based materials such as sugar cane waste fibres, maize, potato starches and recycled paper. After use they can be placed in compost bins and will completely biodegrade into healthy compost for more plants to grow. This cradle to cradle effect creates a sustainable cycle for disposable food packaging. Our pricing is comparable to non-biodegradable disposable food packaging options including laminated paper, clear plastic, foil etc. For a full product list with pictures and pricing please go to our website.