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fair trade coffee hour: coffee.break.fair
Submitted by turbosprout on Thu, 2009-09-24 10:43
The German event, entitled "Kaffee.Pause.Fair.”, coincides with the national "Coffee Day" of the German Association of Coffee and aims to "seize" the day for the Fair Trade movement. If you look at the number of events planned around Germany you will see that it is indeed being seized! The aim is for 100 000 cups of fair trade coffee to be drunk around the world in one hour. Here in Cape Town local fair trade organisation, Fair Trade SA, is organising an event at Quensh organic eatery in Observatory for coffee aficionados and fair trade fans to gather, network, get more info on the fair trade movement, and of course drink coffee. They have around 30 people confirmed so far, and Quensh probably doesn't have space for many more, but you could always phone ahead to check or pop in anyway and enjoy your cuppa on the pavement. (from 10 to 11, Quensh Organic Deli, 42 Lower Main Road) African fair trade coffee is supplied by Bean There Fair Trade Coffee who have a roastery... in Johannesburg and supply establishments around the country. By ensuring fairer trading conditions for farmers and a safer workplace for their workers, Fairtrade promotes social development while contributing to more environmentally sustainable production practices. If you can't make it to Observatory there are a few other places you can visit and order a cup of fair trade coffee around Cape Town. The Foodbarn Restaurant - Noordhoek Farm Village, Village Lane, Noordhoek In Joburg: And in other good establishments around the country: |