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earthmass – the youth are rising
Submitted by sproutingforth on Wed, 2010-01-13 11:58
Siyabongasamy Beyile intends rallying the youth in South Africa against global warming. He intends going one better than that. He wants the children of the World to stand together against global warming. It is time, that the youth, he says, take a stand and fight for our future... Amen to that. He is still in the throws of forming an NPO, but he's keen that everyone know about the organisation, which he's calling Earthmass, as soon as possible, and that the youth join him in his crusade. His intention is to speak to 'big business' about changing their ways, and to hold talks where the youth can come and listen to prominent experts on issues of global warming. His website isn't up yet, nor is his Twitter feed or Facebook profile. But I'm all for supporting him. So, watch this space. In the meantime, if you have a 'youth' in the house who wants to get involved, use the following contact details: Join Earthmass
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