earth hour – be the voice for our planet

Submitted by sproutingforth on Tue, 2009-03-24 09:23

What will you be doing for Earth Hour 2009? is calling all South Africans to sign up and switch off your lights this Earth Hour to take a stand against climate change – Patricia De Lille, Marc Lottering, The Parlotones, Archbishop Tutu, Helen Zille and President Motlanthe are just a few already 'signed up'.

Now over 80 countries and 2140 cities and towns (at last count) are signed up to switch off on March 28th.

Earth Hour is the world's first global election, between Earth and global warming. WWF are urging the world to VOTE EARTH.

For those who didn't participate in the last two Earth Hours (Earth Hour began in Sydney in 2007 where it reached 2.2 million people, and in 2008 reached an estimated 50 million in 35 countries), it is a global call to action to everyone to take a stand against climate change by switching off your lights for an hour at 8.30pm on Saturday March 28th.

This year the global goal is to get 1 billion people to sign up to get Climate Change legislation passed at the Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen at year end. By presenting the billion or so votes to world leaders at the conference, WWF hopes to influence the official government policies that will take action against global warming – these will replace the Kyoto Protocol.

We all have a vote, and every single vote counts. Together we can take control of the future of our planet, for future generations.

If you're in Jo'burg, John Vlismas, the comedian and entertainer, will host their Earth Hour event. Better still, if you're in Cape Town, the Cape Philharmonic Orchestra is supporting Earth Hour with a free concert in the dark at the amphitheatre at the V&A Waterfront (see you there).

Have a look at what is happening near you.


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