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Submitted by turbosprout on Tue, 2007-02-27 10:15
It inspires me that there are small businesses out there that are pouring much of themselves into helping others. There are some sussed caring companies out that are aligning themselves with the ethical shopping trend by promoting charitable and green causes. And those that are supporting NGO's directly with a percentage of their sales. aloeafrica is one such endeavour. They produce handcrafted ceramic pots, clearly inspired by the shape and form of the aloe. Sue Symonds and Nandipha Qamarana aim to raise public awareness of NGO's out there that are making a difference to peoples lives through plants. To this end they support Abalimi Bezekhaya, a Cape Town greening organisation, by donating a percentage of their turnover. The MonkeyBiz stand looked fantastic again with their brightly coloured beadwork animals. MonkeyBiz is a not for profit organisation which poors money back into communities by payments to the bead artists and provision of community services. And it's no mean feat that they have 450 women producing handmade bead artworks. The Hillcrest Aids Centre Trust is doing amazing work in KZN with their design-centered craft income generation project receiving orders from around the world. They also have a nursery that sold over 12 000 plants last year and the nurserymen are trained in organic growing methods.
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