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dear minister buyelwa sonjica, about that gm maize...
Submitted by sproutingforth on Mon, 2010-02-15 12:08
Join The African Centre for Biosafety (ACB) in their most recent campaign – to call for an EIA for Syngenta's application to government to permit them to commercially release a new event of genetically modified maize, called GA21. This maize is resistant to their herbicide, Touchdown Forte. The technology gives farmers the freedom to spray poisonous herbicide indiscriminately, as the poison will kill everything except the crop, which is modified to survive the poison (in much the same vein as Monsanto's Roundup). An extract from the letter: South Africa is the only country in the world to have allowed the genetic modification of a staple food. The ACB respectfully submits that the general release of this new event, along with recent amendments in the law should trigger an EIA as the crop poses potential risks to the environment and to human health.
Add your signature to the campaign Read: seven deadly myths of industrial agriculture pic:
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