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change your facebook profile pic – join the not stupid campaign
Submitted by sproutingforth on Wed, 2009-09-09 10:59
If you've seen the movie (it screened at the Encounters documentary festival), or read our review on the Age of Stupid , or even if you haven't, join the cause to change your face to Pete's for a fortnight. The idea is that if we all change our faces in solidarity, and in large numbers, that there will be a ripple of across Facebook, which will force people to pick up on the climate buzz ahead of Copenhagen. Humanity has only a couple of years left to act if we are to going to stop catastrophic climate change causing the deaths of hundereds of millions of people. And for those who are not yet self-confessed 'climate change bores', well, everyone in the world needs to reduce their carbon footprint. Even more that that, we need to impress on the world's government meeting in Copenhagen at the UN Climate Summit in December that we are not stupid, and will no longer accept anything but the right deal. If we don't get a treaty as strong as science demands, we will be committed to runaway climate change and any survivors in the future will be calling us much worse names than 'stupid'. The Age of Stupid and the Not Stupid campaign, led by Pete Postlethwaite, intends reaching 250 million people, in the bid to turn all of them into climate activists in time for the Copenhagen summit. Some of the action that has already begun as a consequence of the movie:
Why the movie's not in SA?
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