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food gardensKurland VillageGreening Kurland Village will involve the planting of indigenous trees and shrubs along the road verges and amongst the villagers' dwellings. New green open spaces that are welcoming and relaxing will be created within the village. A... Khulisa Plant ProjectKhulisa, a project for the organic propagation of indigenous ornamental plants.
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Abalimi BezekhayaAbalimi means: "the Planters" in Xhosa, the predominant language among Abalimi's target community. They help individuals, groups and community based organisations to initiate and maintain permanent organic food growing and nature conservation...
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The Food Gardens FoundationThe Food Gardens Foundation was established in 1977, under the name of Food Gardens Unlimited, as a socio-economic project to teach people to help themselves by growing essential food according to sustainable organic principles. Our vision is the...
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Food & Trees for AfricaFood & Trees for Africa (FTFA) is the first (and still only) national non-government, non-profit, greening organisation in South Africa. FTFA is a nationally and internationally recognised NGO which has extensive grassroots, corporate,... EduplantThe Woolworths Trust EduPlant, in association with DWAF, LandCare SA and SABC Education, is the leading SA schools' food gardening and greening programme. It has helped thousands of schools over the past 10 years by promoting the growing of...
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