green news and opinion, and an organic eco directory that focuses on organic and eco-friendly products.
urban sprout featuresgreen news and opinion, and an organic eco directory that focuses on organic and eco-friendly products. urban sprout newslettergreen, eco & organic news what we've got to say
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bit of a green celebration!
Submitted by sproutingforth on Mon, 2009-04-06 13:12
According to Dave Duarte , who won best business blog, over 4 000 blogs were nominated this year and some 25 000 people voted. The blog awards have been running now since 2005, and this is the second year that green blogs have been nominated for an award. I didn't attend the awards (one of us had to stay home and look after the progeny) but Glen attended and had a good time. It's never an easy thing to organise an event, and whilst this year's was glitzy and well organised, we weren't the only ones left feeling that the prizes could have been more meaningful...although our son will certainly enjoy the 'kicky sacks'(!) Maybe next year's could be a 'greener' event? A BIG thank you to our contributors (there have been a couple of them and we enjoy adding their blogs to ours) and to our readers for voting for us! Thank you too to the team at 2009 SA Blog Awards. And thanks Rory of carbonsmart, who has been blogging away on things green for 5 years this month, for the thumbs up!
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