green news and opinion, and an organic eco directory that focuses on organic and eco-friendly products.
urban sprout featuresgreen news and opinion, and an organic eco directory that focuses on organic and eco-friendly products. urban sprout newslettergreen, eco & organic news what we've got to say
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Submitted by sproutingforth on Mon, 2010-11-08 11:05
The article I stumbled upon on Grist got me thinking. I was delighted actually. You see, we've had 'only' one child. I say 'only' as whoever we interact with (usually parents and grandparents) rather tactlessly refer to our decision as 'just' the one, or 'only' one, as if we've suffered a loss and the 'other' is missing.
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greenpop reaches 1000 trees and beyond!
Submitted by MichaelE on Fri, 2010-11-05 13:10
We've reached, and exceeded, our 1000 trees goal but that doesn't mean we're stopping there! This Saturday is a BIG plant day - we're planting 300 trees at Beacon Hill High School, Imperial Primary School and Beacon View Primary School, and we need all the help we can get!! The plan is to meet this Saturday at 8am sharp at the location. Address: Imperial Rd Beacon Valley, Mitchell’s Plain Directions: Take the N2 towards Somerset West, take the R300 turnoff, then turn left into A.Z Berman going towards Mitchell’s Plain. Carry on straight on A.Z Berman and go through three sets of robots and then turn left into Imperial Str. Co-ords: -34.045570, 18.630062 Once on location, Misha our Treemaster will plastikos - the legendary island of waste - featured at two oceans
Submitted by MichaelE on Tue, 2010-11-02 12:29
The exhibit is incorporated into the Atlantic Ocean Gallery of the Aquarium, Plastikos includes giant sculptures, a spectacular backlit plastic rendition of the Earth, as well as an some things shouldn't remain secret...
Submitted by MichaelE on Thu, 2010-10-21 19:23
The Most Dangerous Man In America will screen at the Labia on Orange cinema in Cape Town on Monday 25 October at 6:15pm. design cape town's future - and win
Submitted by MichaelE on Tue, 2010-10-19 14:50
Your entry can be submitted in written or drawn form before the 1st of November and you will be eligible for a prize and your entry considered for inclusion in the handbook. Those who submit the top 3 ideas will each get R 2000, and the next four top ideas will each get R 1000. The topics, themes, concepts and ideas you can submit, in visual or written form, are virtually limitless. They are hoping for a mix of completely wild and wacky on the one hand, and serious planning proposals on the other. blog action day: reclaiming camissa
Submitted by MichaelE on Fri, 2010-10-15 13:35
Water is vital for all life on the planet and is something many of us take for granted, yet women in parts of Africa walk up to 40 billion hours a year in search of water which is still often unhygienic. When one looks at the projected models of rainfall distribution in South Africa due to climate change, large parts of the country are going to have severe water scarcity. We have already seen how changing weather has caused a drought in the Eastern Cape this year. The City of Cape Town believes that the city will no longer be water secure by 2013, however, there is a not-for-profit organisation that has an integrated plan for water in the City of Cape Town. national marine week: time to reconsider that suntan
Submitted by MichaelE on Thu, 2010-10-14 14:23
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icologie's sustainability and climate change course
Submitted by MichaelE on Thu, 2010-10-14 13:43
The team at icologie encourage and support organisational and individual sustainability. They offer many courses and support services to businesses that educate people about environmental issues and facilitate a move towards a more sustainable economy. They offer intelligent ecological solutions combined with mentoring, leadership and support that assist pathways to sustainability.
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the IRP 2010: an electricity plan for Arcelor Mittal and BHP Billiton?
Submitted by Guest on Thu, 2010-10-14 10:27
Using scare tactics and the threat of further load shedding and blackouts, the government is rushing through its IRP 2010 (Integrated Resource Plan), which defines a twenty-year electricity plan for South Africa. On 8 October 2010, the Department of Energy (DoE) published a final draft scenario for public comment – a scenario that suggests systematic contempt for the opinions offered in public consultation.
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petition to stop development at oude molen
Submitted by sproutingforth on Wed, 2010-10-13 09:59
New regulations now state the SA Government no longer has to pass Environmental Impact studies for urban developments. This seriously impacts on the future of the Cape Town based Eco village. Now the plans for mass low cost housing initiated by the ANC Provincial Government can go ahead unchallenged!
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