African Carbon Trust

physical addressLevel 3, 16 Mill Street, Oranjezicht, 8001

The African Carbon Trust (ACT) was formed after one Design Indaba when commercial activists Interactive Africa, founders of this world acclaimed design event, decided to offset the carbon footprint of the production of the conference.

The process revealed a gap in the African climate change space for a user-friendly portal to guide individuals and corporates through all aspects of assessing a carbon footprint and the subsequent exploration of different ways to offset. Further investigation unearthed facts such as it’s actually better to reduce carbon emissions than it is to offset and that recycling should be a last resort. Hence the order of appearance in reduce, reuse and recycle.

Through our own process, we realised that we needed to share our discoveries with the general public. We also saw the great opportunity we had as a nation to accelerate social and economic development through revolutionary use of renewable energy and carbon-light processes.

ACT welcomes questions, discussion, donations, articles, innovative ideas and pictures, videos and any comments relating to all things impacting on climate change.